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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. Thought he was a decent player for us very disapointed when he got greedy and left and have to admit enjoying watching his fall from grace after that.
  2. Great player, we never saw the best of him but he had obvious class and his longevity at international level is testament to that. Would love to see him in his prime in our current team as I think our style and formation is much better suited he wouldn't be lost at left wing for starters!
  3. 1 out of 10 your trolling skills are as poor as your use of the English language.
  4. I've never disagreed with the logic, if he thinks he is doing the right thing to move the club forward then thats fine but he doesn't need to go about his business like an arrogant tosser! If he had just treated Nigel with a little respect I wouldn't be quite so bitter about it but sacking such a decent bloke and great servant of the club via sky sports news and then failing to publicly thank him (properly) for his contributions was indecent.
  5. Ridiculous comment Telfer was a decent professional who did a good job for us particularly when him and Williams arrived just after Strachan and really settled the rocking ship. I was pretty shocked by the fee at the time given our record was 4 million odd for Delap (very odd decision!) to spend what was a significant chunk of our money on this never had been seemed madness when surely we could have found someone better! I think the Cortese transfer commitee and some good scouting should prevent future stupidity like this, if the manager asks the committee for a decent winger you'd like to think after scouring the globe they'd come back with a better option! So far the committee seems to be working allthough the jury is very much out on J-Rod and Mayuka!
  6. Would be potentially the ultimate f-you to Cortese if he kept Villa up and we went down, got to say gutted though I'd be if this happens I'd still feel a warm glow knowing that Adkins had the last laugh!
  7. Worst of these threads so far! Anyone who says he was anything other than garbage is either his mum or blind and stupid.
  8. Like alot of the players we signed at that time he had his moments, thought he was decent but not worth the massive wages we were probably paying him much like alot of the players we signed at that time!
  9. Hope we loose and this is a start of the spiral to relegation it's the only type of lesson that Cortese will listen too!
  10. Totally agree, been looking forward to this deal being completed all week as to my mind he looks exactly the type of player we should be signing but after todays revelations I really couldn't give a fook.
  11. Now that would at least put a smile on my face!
  12. and we all know what caused that sorry saga and where it ended. Maybe MR Pochettino is very cheap and him and our new director of football Diego Simeone are taking less in wages combined than Adkins?
  13. Balls.
  14. He is the public face and mouthpiece of the club and I hope to watch him shamble away from our club at the end of the season never to be seen again I'd taking Cortese with him but we couldn't be so lucky.
  15. Guess that one has gone by the board then, the lad has been saved a world of hurt not having to attend that conference! Would you expect any less from our tosspot dictator
  16. At least he had the decency not to say integrity, hope this is the first of many press conferences during which he is appologising starting with one on Monday for our thrashing at home by Everton.
  17. Honestly rght now I don't much care if we do go down, if Cortese is going to treat the club like his personal play thing then maybe it's time he play thing got broken.
  18. How can you say that the way I feel is total bo11ox? I just think that the club is more than bricks and mortar and the 11 players on the pitch, I liked it when our club was respected for doing things the right way and for me a part of what made Southampton FC dies today with such a disgraceful low blow.
  19. So what is going to happen Monday will he pick his captain and then get him to choose the side? Maybe the translator will do it?
  20. To me it does feel worse, I love the club but part of that has died today and I'm not sure it will come back. The club may have been in danger of going out of existence but today it is in danger of selling it's soul the very thing that makes us fans in the first place.
  21. This a thousand times over, Cotese had the perfect oppertunity to pull the trigger earler in the season and the passing of Adkins while mourned would not have stirred up the outrage of every right thinking football fun in the country. Instead he waits 3 months for Adkins to be making progress and things to be looking good and then out of the blue pulls the trigger this morning the timming is bonkers but I never thought Adkins was the long term man for Cortese even if he was a good fit for the club. Saints suddenly no longer feels like my club abit like when the dunk hunter and Wilde teamed up just before relegation and weird decisions were made.
  22. But Saints are not bigger than one spoiled Italian brat?
  23. Screw the club, Screw the team this is not the Southampton way I hope the negativity this produces sends us spiraling back down to the championship it's the least the club deserves for stooping so low.
  24. Yes but it's been known to happen before, if the players are hacked off and don't get the right feeling from the new man it only takes a tiny drop in motivation from a few key players for it all to fall apart at this level. Look at Spurs just before Harry went their good professional players with the wrong manager and system didn't work. Different circumstances I think the bond formed through the two promotions will be stronger than anything they had with Pardew, player like Lambert who Nigel has clearly stood by this season are going to take this pretty hard I'd imagine the reaction will be interesting.
  25. Are you nuts, together as one only when it's something you want to be part of and I have no desire to be part of this crap.
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