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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. No but they probably have a buy back clause in the eventual transfer, will be so annoying if we don’t go up this season as he must be being heavily tracked by premier league clubs! I was surprised we got him this year next year he has to be playing top flight football he’s way to good for this league.
  2. Maybe he wants to come back to his 'spiritual home' his career has taken a bit a nosedive lately but there is a player in there somewhere, I wouldn't be adverse to signing him on a short term deal if he was interested.
  3. a1ex2001

    David Brooks

    looks like a great signing assuming we manage to get it over the line, shame there doesn't look to be an option to buy if we go up and it surely adds some complication picking a matchday squad as we have so many loan players? Maybe we need to turn one into a permanent move now?
  4. Yes, there is no way we send out a fire that weak against Liverpool to get battered!
  5. Quality player who arrived at the perfect moment for both him and the club. Wish him well for his retirement, it’s a shame he’s gone out on the treatment table rather than the pitch.
  6. They could just as easily get injured in training? I wouldn’t play our best side as it’s good to give others minutes but we should be putting out a strong 11 winning breads more winning! The longer the run goes on the better!
  7. Going to Brighton is probably a good choice for him, it's those that go to Chelsea or the Manchester clubs I would always question as the chances a so limited. Brighton are a good fit just like we were for a lot of kids when we were a mid table Premiership side, big enough to offer decent money but small enough that you will likely get a shot and with a record of selling to the big boys and not forcing players to stay.
  8. I'd love to know who they think is going to do better with the public than Rishi? Currently Truss seems to be angling for a comeback as the face of this popular conservatism group with JRM in tow and I can't imagine anyone in the country (other than high stakes financial gamblers) who would be exactly enthusiastic about the return of the lettuce!
  9. Sunak conveniently ignoring the fact that the BBC did a Panorama special on the Post Office Scandal last year while massively trying to deflect that it took an ITV drama to prompt him and his cabal of pompous public school boys to actually do the right thing on this despite them knowing enough that pardoning and compensating all those involved should have been a matter of course yonks ago! It's always funny when people from either side say the BBC is biased as they invariably fail to give any decent examples and then try and hide from the obvious fact that the BBC is one of the most neutral broadcasters anywhere in the world.
  10. If we could go back to square one of the current Tory debacle ie Cameron winning a majority and calling his awful referendum then we would be so much better off! All we have had since is lies, corruption and social and economic decline. It really is staggering how far the country has fallen in such a short time!
  11. Love the phrase ‘high wage economy’ it is another one of those three word phrases that is so poorly defined it can mean just about anything to anyone. If we are saying we will only have high wage jobs that’s a massive economic problem as it involves paying low skill manual jobs like emptying the bins, mowing the grass in the park or working the checkouts ‘high wages’ but that then pushes up other peoples earnings as why would I do a mid level job if I could earn a ‘high wage’ doing something easy, that leads to wage inflation across the board which leads to economic inflation which then makes your ‘high wages’ actually just the same ‘low wages’ as before. Reducing labour supply does similar things, look at the issues with the shortage of Lorry drivers over the last couple of years and the impact on transport costs.
  12. Takes 5 years to complete basic training of a doctor, 3 years for a nurse etc etc the government have had over a decade to address the shortage and have failed massively to do so while pocketing millions for themselves and their friends. Anymore Tory failings you would like to highlight?
  13. It's time we banned all MP's from all parties and all government/public officials from using anything other than official messaging services with an audit trail for anything even loosely connected to work. This idea that you can just accidentally delete the record of your screw ups is utterly unacceptable.
  14. lol grammar isn't a measure of intelligence but nice spot, I blame being educated in Wales for any deficiencies in my English
  15. I seem to recall someone saying 'strong and stable' a lot then someone saying 'get brexit done' every other minute and no it's 'stop the boats' when will people realise this government is so crap it can't even deliver on a three word buzz phrase. It really is time to 'Go back to square one' before these criminals were anywhere near the levers of power.
  16. The government are not proposing to process them in Rwanda they are planning to unilaterally deport them to Rwanda where the Rwandan government will process their applications for asylum in Rwanda, in return we will give the Rwandan Government an unspecified number of millions and take an unspecified number of other asylum cases from Rwanda in return. The only government quote I've ever seen said they were expecting to send a couple of hundred people a year to Rwanda so a couple of days worth of arrivals the rest will still be here and will still need housing and processing the Rwanda scheme is a Trojan Pony. back to your comment no they should be processed in a timely manner when they arrive in the UK in immigration centres, the only reason we have hotels full of asylum seekers is because we don't process them for two years! We have the most right wing government in a generation full of anti immigration head bangers yet still the government doesn't actually do the things that would stop/control immigration, wake up and smell the coffee the government created this problem so that the gullible would believe all there problems are because of a few people in dinghy's crossing the channel and not because of a bunch of feckless chancers running the country in the best interests of the already rich while lining there own pockets. If we processed applications quickly we wouldn't need to house people in hotels and we could deport those not allowed to stay and get those allowed to stay working and contributing to society rather than costing us x million a day in hotel bills, other countries manage to process significantly more applications than us and reject and deport a much higher percentage than us. Just to be clear I've never voted labour in my life and wouldn't describe myself as particularly left leaning but I'm far to clever to be sucked in by the game the Tory party are playing.
  17. Define too many people? are you saying we need a hard cap population growth a one child policy etc etc or is it just foreigners we need to stop?
  18. There is a really good reason for them to set up a legal route, all we have heard from the UK Government for the last year is 'stop the boats' opening a legal route to apply for asylum without crossing the channel in a small boat would be huge step to achieving this goal unlike this weird Rwanda mess. The PM has said repeatedly h wants to stop the criminal gangs and the risk/loss of life if he really means that then he would open a processing centre in France (The French government have said they would agree to this) but actually being the dishonest scumbag that he is he just keeps wasting money on other things and making loads of noise while not actually doing anything to 'stop the boats' or process the massive backlog of application already in the UK. Anyone would think the government don't actually want to fix the problem, maybe it's convenient for something oooh quick look over there while I steal all your cookies and ram loads of legislation designed to undermine the rights of UK citizens and the rule of law.......
  19. You said they have a choice which if they wish to claim asylum in the UK they don’t. As has been asked many times in many forums including parliament name the legal routes by which they can come to the UK and claim asylum? which is a right under the treaties we signed up to. I get that you think they should claim asylum as soon as they are in a safe country but there is no legal obligation on them to do so if you wish that to be the case campaign for a law change.
  20. It is a simple bait and switch move by the government, this distract you with the terrible immigrants who might steal your cookies while in reality they have already stolen most of the cookies, it is a trick as old as time and sadly still as effective today as it was 100 years ago!
  21. Ignoring the fact that the international refugee convention we are members of allows travel through a safe country to the place you wish to claim asylum. If you disagree with the rules fair enough but don't make them up, the simple facts are the British Government only allows you to apply for asylum once you are on British soil and for a small number of asylum seekers that means the only option to apply for asylum in the UK is to cross the channel in small boats. People have a myriad of reasons for choosing to come to the UK but as you point out more choose to apply in France/Germany/etc rather than risk the boat crossing, these countries do however process applications much quicker than us, reject more applications than us and also deport more failed applicants than us. If stopping the boats is the issue (which the government keeps saying it is) then the fix is easy open a processing centre in France and process applications without the need to cross the channel, if the issue is stopping foreign people coming here then stop other forms of migration that result in much higher numbers than the small boat arrivals and be prepared for the massive rise in costs and drop in service levels that closing up shop would result in. Immigration is an emotive issue and the current government are just using it as a dog whistle to cover up the huge sums of money they are effectively stealing from the public purse and giving to their already rich mates, we have the most corrupt government in living memory and all the papers are talking about is Rwanda this small boats that it is almost the perfect crime!
  22. First you need to define what you mean by 'illegal immigration' as it seems you are using the term incorrectly, people arriving by small boat are not classed as illegal immigrants from the moment they apply for asylum, an asylum seeker cannot be an illegal immigrant as they are part of our legal immigration program. Arriving by boat small boat is a problem but then we don't offer any other legal means by which people can apply for Asylum so leave these people with no choice. The financial cost to the UK of housing asylum seekers is because we simply don't process them in a timely manner, other counties manage to process many more than we do and they also reject and deport more cases than we do. The small boats/illegal migrant bogey man is a creation of the Tory party and the right wing media to supply a suitable 'other' for them to blame for all our woes while the rich rob us blind and the really sad thing is it has sucked so many people in. Small boats shouldn't even be in the top ten of things on the governments agenda but they are getting away with wasting huge amounts of time and money on it because they have conned enough of the electorate into believing it is 'the problem'.
  23. Got to agree with this, the amount of possession we have had in most games this season should see there pressing player run themselves into the ground giving us plenty of opportunities in the last quarter provided we don’t gift them anything early.
  24. Neil McCan’t he was dire!
  25. a1ex2001

    Elon Musk

    Won’t happen as it is effectively owned by Saudi (they fronted the cash for Elon) so there is no way it goes under anytime soon. They might fire old Musky though and install a CEO who isn’t quite such a ‘character’
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