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Everything posted by kyle04

  1. kyle04


    Won't be here for very long the way he's progressing. Chelsea, Liverpool, El-Newcastle even?
  2. Did you get it back?
  3. The PL is about money, nothing else. Just start with that caveat and the rest will fall into place.
  4. kyle04

    Sport Republic

    I'd go further, if you weren't born in the city or have ever traveled outside the SO postcode area, sorry you're not welcome.
  5. kyle04

    The olden days

    I had a thing about crowd surges as a small boy, I think the Spion Kop generally had the best, just a sea of people going mental, most ending up nowhere near where they were stood, but then again you had the rivers of piss cascading down the terraces apparently. Happy days.
  6. kyle04

    Sport Republic

    Here you go, enjoy :
  7. kyle04

    Sport Republic

    You obviously haven't visited Shirley High St recently.
  8. kyle04

    Sport Republic

    Maybe we're gonna start engaging with the spirit world, meandering through substrates of time and conciousness. It's almost comical that someone earns a living writing this stuff.
  9. "... give them all a big hand everyone"
  10. kyle04

    Sport Republic

    Gosh we really are making progress aren't we. I think the pious text translates as "whites need not apply".
  11. Only caught glimpses of it, seemed like someone over-doing an impression of Boris rather than the great man himself. I must say I'm looking forward to the high-skills, high-paid UK, he said it so it's gonna happen, probably along with hyper inflation and mountains of burning pig corpses, as now we're chronically short of qualified butchers apparently. He really is a weird mix of Trump and Bertie Wooster, a manufactured persona of a bumbling buffoon which should have been abandoned as soon as he reached high office. Corbyn has a lot to answer for that's all I can say.
  12. People at self service checkouts who put all the scanned items onto the weighing section, then after paying spend the same amount of time putting it into bags instead of bagging the stuff as they scan them, usually when I'm next, in a bit of a hurry, so could you please fucking get on with it.
  13. There were reports of people in London queuing up to squeeze under £2 worth of fuel into their tanks.
  14. have you used up all the bogroll you bought in the 1st lockdown yet?
  15. Yet to see a curly cucumber in the shops, I think we've been shafted.
  16. The French are saying the Aussies originally wanted diesel powered subs which was what they were going to supply, now they've changed to nuclear powered so fucked off the French deal. Made me chuckle it did. Opinion is nuclear powered is a much better choice, if more expensive. The jolly old Chinese aren't too happy either way which adds to the merriment. Good for the UK this deal.
  17. Still, that's the last we'll see of them bloody foreigners, eh lads?
  18. No bad thing, gets them off their i-phones, although obviously girls would have to be included as well in the name of inclusivity.
  19. So none of the 175,000 unemployed in Scotland are willing to work for up to £20 an hour?
  20. The majority of votes were for leave, as you know. Which "vast" majority are you talking about? 28% of eligible voters did not vote that's true, so you are assuming those votes would have mainly gone to the remain camp? How do you know? Most regions in the UK voted leave, including Wales, with only London, NI and Scotland voting remain in varying degrees (Scotland the highest %). The figures are here : https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/who-we-are-and-what-we-do/elections-and-referendums/past-elections-and-referendums/eu-referendum/results-and-turnout-eu-referendum It's one thing to say we have made a mistake, quite another to say the referendum was undemocratic and most people didn't want it, which is bollocks.
  21. If you're Redmond, I'd say 6 inches?
  22. Yep, fighter pilots were told to open fire at 300 yards from enemy planes, the Polish ignored this and opened up at 100, virtually point blank range, or so the story goes.
  23. Fuck me this girl's on a mission, despite rising above the white boot of oppression to a position of over-promoted pompous self importance. (in a white dominated racist country). This country at the moment seems to be falling over itself to promote "non white or whatever the correct fucking term is now" individuals. Get a proper job and grow up.
  24. Oh really? People have lost their livelihoods for using the "wrong" term, remember Greg Clarke who "resigned" after using the word "coloured" before MP's. Opinion seems to be that he was a bit of a cock anyway, but that event was the death knell for him. That's OK though, one more racist bigot gone, now onto the statues.
  25. I get that, although the comparison is a stretch. I just think "ignoring" the racists and continuing is a stronger message than walking off and letting them win so to speak, although of course there is a limit. The decision would have to be made at official level, not by the players or manager, whereby a degree of subjectivity would come into play, how many racist chants, by how many people, for how long etc, I just don't see it as being workable.
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