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Everything posted by kyle04
It's a start, the Czech kit is outdated but still useful in the right hands. I've bored you before with this but right now, as Russia regroups, Ukraine need air defense systems , heavy artillery/MRL's and drones by the dozen from the west if we won't give them aircraft. Russia can just pick them off from secure positions with missiles and air strikes, and can still devastate cities like Kyiv and even Lviv from afar. After the recent shocking images from Bucha I think the west need to up their game. The UN is a dead duck with Russia able to veto anything it chooses, a nice idea forged from the old League of Nations but in this situation little more than a talking shop.
They really are the scum of the earth aren't they? More of this to come I fear as towns and villages are cleared. This wasn't done by random conscripts on the rampage, the mass grave discovered in Bucha indicates a systematic genocide on orders. I think regardless of the eventual outcome in Ukraine, Russia must now be treated like North Korea for decades to come. If China, Pakistan, India et al continue to prop them up then fuck them too, I'd rather be poorer than help fill the coffers of the Kremlin. Our politicians reaction will be stock soundbites and little else (shocked, appalled, held to account, ramp up sanctions, doing all we can etc). As for LeTiss, what fucking planet is he living on? Another witless useful idiot he'd be if anyone actually gave a fuck what he thinks.
Quite how representitive these videos are is hard to say. The 1st video are mainly young people and kids, who call the Ukrainian "khokol", a racial slur in Russian. The people featured in the 2nd seem to think that Ukraine should be ruled by Russia as it was before (USSR though). They do seem quite a hateful bunch. I did feel a little sympathy for "ordinary" Russians who may be suffering due the sanctions, but now I think fuck em all. More diplomatic staff expelled today from Germany and France, Russia blaming the Busha atrocities on staged Ukrainian attacks on their own people after the Russians had left the area and still maintaining they're not targeting civilian buildings, if it wasn't so tragic it would be comical, I really don't know how Lavrov can spout this bollocks with a straight face.
Are you sure about that? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/31/fact-sheet-president-bidens-plan-to-respond-to-putins-price-hike-at-the-pump/
I don't think we need fear Russian tanks rolling down the Mall - another example of a typical "cook off" after a MANPAD/ATGM hit :
Moneys changed hands obviously. I suspect this will be my last post, but I have a cunning plan....
Exactly. Ukraine may be bleeding at the moment but so are the Russians, even more so. If Russia are allowed to control the Crimea, the Donbas, and the SE land corridor with possibly Odesa the next target that's what, effectively 25% of the country? Given the behaviour of the Russian genocidal child rapists in the past month that would be totally unacceptable to Ukraine. They will never stop fighting, so the west can either support them properly or cut them loose and watch them all die, and sit back smugly rejoicing the falling petrol prices. Contrary to AlexLaw's opinion Ukraine has not lost, not yet by a long chalk. Slava Ukraini and fuck Russia !
So the 3 countries mentioned in the article who want a Ukrainian surrender : US - dosen't want to keep pouring $$ into the country Germany - needs Russian gas France - well, history speaks for itself as far as they're concerned If the west hang Ukraine out to dry now it'll be a another shameful episode among many. Putin needs to be defeated, not appeased.
There's going to be many more reports like these. Russia is descending into the abyss of a pariah state, but most of the Russian people will either be shielded from these unpleasant thruths or not believe them. Many Russian mothers are blaming Ukraine for sending their sons home in a box apparently, and as the world re-aligns itself either side of the Russian fence Putin will just reaffirm the line that the west was out to destroy Russia after all. We judge Russia based on our values and dearly bought freedoms, something they've never really had for any length of time. They destroyed the Romanovs and replaced them with a far more callous and inhumane political system, where one man alone can play out his murderous fantasies 100 years hence completely unchecked.
That picture's more disturbing than the ones of ruined cities somehow. The Russians will deny it of course, the cowardly lying bastards that they are. I just hope the Ukrainians will retain their humanity and not respond in kind, so far Zalensky has been very clear about the treatment of POW's for example. Given that the Russians are now regrouping and will likely change their tactics, and if the west is serious about defeating Russia, it's time to pile in more powerful weapons to give Ukraine a chance of defending against missile strikes for example.
Looks like the lad's got his head down, pleased for him.
Ohh, suit you sir !
Why don't Ukraine follow suit and claim it was a false flag operation ? "...fuck all to do with us mate"
After just received his orders from Putin, he's thinking "you're sending me fucking where ?"
It amazes me how some topics seem to evolve into Monty Python-esque surrealism, you.re all fucking mad I'm sure of it !
Seems shes making a race issue out of what was one bloke slapping another when he insulted his wife, ah well, another two steps back you daft cow.
Very true, what Ukraine gas achieved with the"light" weapons supplied by the west has been remarkable, but although they've captured hundreds of pieces from the Russians, they may start running short of ammunition for their tanks and artillery at some point, and their limited aircraft numbers are being slowly depleted from the looks of it. Russia can re-arm it's forces quite easily in the eastern region, but even they may run low on serviceable equipment it it's losses continue(?). Your spot on about the intelligence I think, it's safe to assume that US satellite data is being fed to the Ukrainians which is a massive advantage. I think if Russia do start retreating its forces towards the Donbas soon Ukraine should hammer them as hard as they can, destroying as much equipment as possible before it can get to the more fortified regions.
Bloody enjoyed that, thanks for posting. Their are but a few players in history that stood/stand head and shoulders above their peers, and Best is up there with anyone you could name.
I think Hitler probably didn't give a fuck about his cities being obliterated by then, as he cowered in his bunker making imaginary moves on his map with "forces" that had long since been wiped out. (The "Downfall" film parodies on Youtube are fucking hilarious though). I agree that Putin should not get away with what he has done , but that really is up to the Russians it seems to me. We have to live alongside cunts like him, the Chinese and the Saudis, as well as the Scots. As for the expense of wars, it's eyewatering what some of this kit costs, to produce and maintain, and Russia have lost $billions worth of stuff already.
Even at the time, Harris' methods were considered tactically pointless and a waste of resources. The Germans did not surrender until their country was in ruins and overrun with allied forces. Even considering the vast crimes committed by the Germans during WW2 the blitz on German cities by Harris is still regarded as unnecessary and inhumane, "un-British" if you like. So what next in Ukraine? Talks are ongoing with Zalensky willing to accept neutrality, with the caveat of security for his country. This may prove the stumbling block as any guarantees from Russia simply can no longer be trusted, certainly not with Putin still in power, and NATO are unlikely to get directly involved in this aspect. This could end up with a beefed up Ukrainian military facing a heavily Russian occupied Donbas region, with short easy supply lines. I think this is the minimum Putin would find acceptable, an easy sell to the Russian population of mission accomplished as long as 15000+ grieving mothers can be kept quiet. If Ukraine continue fighting in this scenario the war could last for years.
If you genuinely think there's any comparison between the Iraq war and whats happening in Ukraine you need a reality check. Yes some pretty shitty events occurred in Iraq and it's a point in history that the US and it's allies can take little pride in, it was broadly supported in the beginning but roundly condemned when WMD weren't found. The west wanted Saddam gone as he was destabilizing the region (Kuwait for example), and our precious oil supplies were under threat. As I recall the US did not randomly bomb cities to dust, attack refugee corridors, rape and murder Iraqi women, use cluster munitions and cruise missiles on residential buildings, nor did it lose 1/4 of it's invasion force in a month. Things did turn very ugly after the occupation because the US in particular did not understand the country or it's people and faced a draining insurgent war it did not bargain for. They genuinely tried to bring some semblance of peace and stability to the shattered country but the damage was too great and centuries old divisions in the country were let loose. By contrast, what Russia are doing, or rather the manner of it, is systematic genocide.
A lot of Russian tanks have been obliterated, not just knocked out. The Ukrainians know where to aim (you beat me to it badger), the fuel tanks and ammo carousel make the Soviet stuff a death trap (Tommy cookers as the German desert panzer crews used to refer to the British tanks in North Africa).The video I linked earlier (AZOV in Mariupol), they were using a 30mm auto cannon only, pounding away until the armour gave way and the ammo cache ignited. there is a part translation of the dialogue - " ...aaaaand, it's gone" as the tank exploded. Don't want to glorify the horror of it, but these guys were about as cool as you could be considering the firefight. I think many Ukrainian farmers will be moving into the scrap metal business soon!