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  1. Haha yes I am aware of that saying and its postive connotations towards portsmuth fans;) I must stress to everyone that whilst this is a study on slang used in this forum, it doesn't have to be specific to this forum if that makes sense. It can be the most standard, cliched term ever in footballing history just if its used on here then I can use it.
  2. were*
  3. Thanks guys for all of your replies, some where useful whilst others were...less so. Anymore football slang terms come to mind let me know.
  4. Many thanks Colinjb for your genuine and honest appraisal of my work. And Goatboy...c'mon of course I find it vingy! I mean who doesnt.
  5. Yes I thought there might be a few comments such as these! I have trawled through this forum for hours (don't worry!) this is just to see if anybody has any I've missed. I'm studying English and this is part of a module focusing on slang. Seeing as we were allowed to choose our own subject area, I thought football slang, or more specifically Southampton slang, was an interesting one to look at.
  6. Greetings all, I am compiling a glossary of slang terms used by Southampton fans on this very forum for my degree and I was wondering if you guys could help me out? Basically, any slang that you have heard or use or can think of if you could post it (with a short definition if you think it requires one!) that would be most helpful. It does not necessarily have to be slang that is specifically used by Southampton fans alone, it can be anything at all, but if that is the case then even better! Thanks guys.
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