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Everything posted by Mosin

  1. But enough of last season, so far this season Ings and jwp are our best players, I might be right in thinking redders is out of the picture for poty this time round lol?
  2. I still claim jwp did have a better season than redders, redders was fans favourite , and as always jwp is the fans whipping boy, I just point out that the amazing redders keeps being beating at his job by a defensive minded player. I just point out our amazing forward score and assists less goals than our cm / defensive mid who gets Ripped by fans all the time for not scoring and creating chances and yet here we are..... A defensive player scoring more than a winger is crap but the winger who's job it is to score can't beat a defensive mid? Do you see the ironey in that?
  3. Ohh, 1 more thing, jwp is a better player than redders hands down.
  4. For you maybe, my argument was that he was doing a good job creating and scoring chances for a cm who missed half the league games and redders had the full season....... And still finished behind him on league goals, and looks like he will yet again be out scored by a defense / central mid lol. Ohh and that he will be a great mid in the future and he will be one of our best players blah blah blah.. Its OK, I was wrong on redders obviously as Henry is on fire and banging ng in the goals?
  5. Or just use faster camaras, 50 fps is an extremely low number of fps. I won't change my opinion, if it's offside, it's offside, don't care if it's 1 mm or not.
  6. 0.030ms I meant. It's pretty good at 50 tbf
  7. Was at 50 fps when first introduced, I would think it's higher by now, Zaha offside the other day is spread over 3 n a half frames, so he was offside for over 0.300 ms at just 50 fps. Knowning cameras can go upto a trillion fps and your average Joe can buy full 4k slow motion camaras at 60 fps and 120 fps in 1080p, I would say it's pretty accurate or should be, but you never know lol
  8. They give you margin of error in that cause if so many components, it's common knowledge that you can do 33 in a 30 zone and not get told off, but ask an f1 driver if they get that 10% margin in the pit lane? They don't, you go over even if just 0.0001 kmph they get a penalty.... No margins at all, camera is far more accurate than a human could ever be, and with cameras able to do a trillion frames per second, the room of error is so small you would need a microscope to see it.... Better the rule stays as it is, no allowances, it's the same for every one and can't be manipulated to give prefer treatment to a team.
  9. No margins, no allowances, rules are rules, if you are closer to the goal than the last defender be it 1 mm or 10 yards you are offside, I can't even believe ppl are debating this. It used to be a skill for attacking players to time runs to perfection to beat an offside trap, now you want to give them extra room for error and not uphold the offside rule cause you want to see more goals scored that are not goals cause they was offside? So you are happy to lose against palace th e other day when Zaha was offside? What about all the other decisions that have gone our way and stopped us losing? We would probs be bottom and it would be an Injustice cause we would be bottom due to goals being given when they should have been scrubbed of. What about if that goal Zaha scored was a final game of the season and if we lost we was relegated but if palace won/ lost they survive/ relegated? Your happy to let them stay up with a free goal? And us relegated? I don't like how it's implemented and how long it takes, but if your offside your offside don't matter if it's a mm or a metre your offside..... Can't believe ppl are even discussing this.....
  10. You can't have margins or exceptions to rules, rules are rules, any way to manipulate them waters them down and then what's the point? The rule is pretty dam clear as day no ifs no buts it's the dam rule, stop crying and get over it. The rule clearly states any part of the body not including the hands and arms is offside, it does not say by such and such millimeters or inches, it's clear, any part full stop. Same as goal line tech, no ifs no buts if the full ball does not cross the line it's not a dam goal, it don't change for different teams or different days it's clear and fair to every one.
  11. Your really suggesting that a right midfielder controlled and ran the game? And not hoj and jwp in the middle? ?
  12. I know right, he should have atleast 20 by now.. I mean 5 pfft only put him in 15 th place over the last what 30 years, so bad....
  13. The hate for JWP here will never stop, its why i hardly visit the site and why i stopped paying to post, saved us last year with some vital goals missed half the season but finished our 2 nd top goal scorer in the league and again he is 2 nd top goal scorer yet is treated like ****.
  14. Lol just lol
  15. Take his set pieces off him and he is still top? So what is your point? Or did you not know that? Ouch.... Magic is best left to magicians, i want to watch football when attending a football game. Maybe you should go watch some penn and teller instead if you want to see magic? Ive seen JWP split defenders open with simple cross, ive seen JWP score a goal with 1 single touch, so yes he can produce a game changing moments, i remember quite a few last season that won us alot of points while we barely survived relegation while he didnt feature in most of the seasons games and still finish joint top league goal scorer and 2 nd most creative player with less than half the mins ppl above him got.... But lets just pick on him n ignor Hoj who is by far the worst performing mid in the league.
  16. Personally think he has been poor, but i wont sprouting he is bad when he is clearly doing much more than Redders n boufal in the creativity department, and Redders and boufal only make the team for creative reasons where as jwp has a number of dutys to do like baby sitting val.
  17. https://www.southamptonfc.com/first-team#season-stats
  18. Thats JWP Hoj and OR fault. Did you not know its the job of the mids to defend, create all the chances,.score.all the goals, and do all the leg work. And be goalkeepers all at the same time. While not droping below i am guessing 92% passing acc as Hoj was rubbish for getting 91.9% all the passes they make have to go forwards and if they pass more than once with out creating a goal they r sh!t, Redders long, and the defenders and goalkeeper just make the numbers up,.if you make 8 passes mostly backwards and sideways ( like Redders) lose posession 20 times fail to make 7 of the 15 passes you attempted, your amazing. The views of Saints web Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  19. Redders, val, long, bertand got less than 60%, Hoj was 91.9%.....
  20. https://www.southamptonfc.com/first-team#season-stats
  21. Ok sound then thats fine, i would do the same, no place for people like that in this world, but just cause i voted leave dont make me racist though, i have no hatred or ill thought for any one, i voted leave for my own reasons and none of them have any thing to do with race, religion or belifes or any thing.
  22. Racism is just discrimantion on ones belifes or skin colour, my belifes is that we are better off out of the EU, and you are discrimanting against me and follow leavers on this. do you run your own buisness and would you dismiss some one for voteing leave? Yes or no? If no, then shut up about not talking to leavers or allow them at your wedding and blah blah blah. Cause really none give a toss
  23. You are discrimanting againts people by how they vote, can you not see that? Or blinded by you own hate?
  24. Well some one being racist is described as discrimanting againts some ones skin colour race religion and so on, really are you this thick? Your privaliged life made you this thick?. Discrimanting againts some one cause of how they vote is still discrimanting just cause it is not my skin colour or religion or any thing dont mean its not discrimanting. Are you asking the staff helping you with your big day how they voted before you hired them? Run your own buisness do you? Employ only remainers? Lol
  25. But then you are discrimanting people based on the vote they made, giving no thought as to why they want to leave just believing your own misguided view which is just as bad if not worse than being a racist, after all race discrimination is being racist. Least we know who the real racist ppl are, its you. Well done " claps hands "
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