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Everything posted by Mosin

  1. But var is for clear and obvious mistakes, ref didnt miss the foul, just didnt punish accordly to the official behind the screen which is wrong and not how var is meant to be used. Just for the record, its a red for me, but var shouldnt be getting invloved in things the on field ref didnt miss, It was not a clear and obvious mistake
  2. And will up wages to entice drivers from the rest of europe, those places that cant afford the wages (Italy for instance) will continue to struggle to find workers while Poland already has a big problem with spain close behind... Apparently germany are expected to need 185k by 2227 to keep up with new jobs and retirements.. Dont know if that is true or not, got it from the dailymail so more than likely false https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9946817/amp/Now-lorry-driver-shortage-hits-Europe-Germany-France-Spain-suffer-shortfall-400-000.html
  3. See trousers reply..... you can see them in person at new forest park. its quite a sight, lots of different species. i stayed at lime wood for 3 weeks, was very peacefull and the walks are quite amazing, if you like nature ofc....
  4. I never said thick, i called them sheeps, and it is not human nature to panic about a none life threatening situation, fine line between normal behaviour having anxiety and just being irrational , it is not normal human nature to buy over a years worth of bog roll cause the sun newspaper told you that you should? Its not normal that the old dude over the road has 5 big barrels of petrol even though he uses his car just to go shopping and the doctors which are both with in walking distance and a full tank in his own words lasts him a month but yet he brought over 400 quids worth of fuel for his little fiat 500. He still has more loo roll than tesco in his garage that he cant fit his car into cause its full of bog roll and petrol... Now he has loads of petrol and bog roll in his garage.. Accident waiting to happen.. Its irrational and not normal.. Since he has stocked up on petrol he hasnt been out in his car... And the so called panic never happened in my town.. No garage ran dry... Least he wont have to go for petrol for a few months...
  5. Was no shortage before demand jumped 500% the morning the media said we had one cause bp announced it was temporarily closing 4 out of the way stations out of around 13000 becuase of driver issues, they didnt say they could not keep up with normal demand. Media following sheep have caused the issue, just like the apparent toilet roll shortage at first lockdown also caused by media following sheep...
  6. to give people of colour and women even more chance than men and white people? ok every body ask questions... Ok can the whiteman STFU and go sit in the corner, only People of colour and women have the right to speak now.... The end.. Seems perfectly equal.
  7. Was they not allowed to ask questions before with the men and none coloured people?? Was any questions invited from just men and people of none colour? or women and people of colour now privaliaged? curious if equal for all no matter the skin colour or sex...
  8. maybe for the same reason TAA cant play further forward and when he does he goes completely missing
  9. you forgot to pay your gas bill and cause your so depressed about Brexit cause you lost the vote that you forgot your beloved freedom of movement to the EU does not stop you from opening your front door and going shopping??.
  10. Freedom of movemonet ( if you remeber the democratic country you live in voted to stop this as it is not best for the country, just low wages which helps the small 3% of the rich ) , dont bother me or care dont go on holiday to europe, and it hampers me by drivng down my wages and the rest of the UK labor force, the people who get food on your table the ones forgotten about during the pandemic.... Tarif free trade? Its not tarif free as we have to pay into the eu kitty and accept eu rules and regulations and abide by eu courts, stop telling lies. No roaming charges, i dont pay any as i dont go nor does my provider charge me (atm) and when it does if i want it i can just pay 2 pound for an add on, its not so expensive that i cant pay for it out of my 40k pay rise a year. Whats the point in training kids and giving them a great education if jobs are reserved for exp'ed ppl and cheaper work force from europe? Dont know if you noticed, but youth unemployment is down since we left the Eu while it continues to climb all over the eu. My pet dont need a passport for the eu, i dont go or ever have intentions of going and you still need one to go to every other country not in the eu so your point is mute, again i asked how it will affect me and so far your failing and how it will make the country better, you have not shown me yet, just sprouting nonesense of so called perks i have never enjoyed nor will the population who also didnt go, prbs because low wages means they cant afford to save for one.... You mean taking 6 month longer than the rest of the world to buy life saving vaccines for its population.... Yep clearly much better block buying power full of red tape and delays and waiting for meetings always months down the line, then they buy them and tell its own population not to take them for political point scoring over the UK... cant even read and discuse contracts with vaccine producers correctly. Just in time deliverys... That that dont help the country, just poor managers who cant order the correct stock, which means a potential customer lose, no lose for the UK though as surely if one store has no tomatoes you would go to a different store... Cant picture people getting a taxi to eu for tomatoes cause just in time deliverys stopped hahaha. None of the rubbish you have said makes the UK better. Since brexit, wages have gone up, youth unemployment down.. More housing... More jobs.... Less unemployed.... Free to make trade deals with the rest of the world who are growing at a far faster pace than the eu. And its only been 9 months. If you think the EU is so great, move to it..
  11. How do you know what is best for the UK? And what part are you talking about? The south? Central? East? west? North? What class? Rich, Upper? Middle? Lower? The Youth? You tell me how me how me, my wife and kids would be better off being back in the EU? And why we are currently worst off being out?. I would like to know
  12. It wasnt just xavi controling the middle be fair... He did have iniesta next to him with busquest sat deep behind, two other world class players, its not like he wasnt in the greatest team the world has ever seen with the one of the best players ever seen in Messi with suarez and naymar uptop too like come on.... He wouldnt control games in the epl all alone on a cold wet and windy saturday afternoon playing for stoke...
  13. Seriously now, do you think those businesses care about you? Do you preach at people for using amazon instead of going into town and supporting local businesses? Did you care that politicians can claim thousands of pounds of public money for a meal at work while taking a mere 20 quid of those people that those wonderful companies employ who care so much for its staff but pay people peanuts so they need to claim top up benifits just to eat and have heating? Companies only care about your money and how best to take it off you.
  14. It is a problem they have caused by not giving the appropriate amount of jobs to the local population so they can make a bigger profit with low expenses for training and staff wage demands. A question for you though, if the EU are at this moment like us have an hgv driver problem like us, and they are also still paying hgv drivers more than an hgv driver can earn in the uk, why would they come back? I have not even started on work conditions and adding the fact that in the EU you get paid for stoppages that are not your fault eg sitting in a warehouse waiting 2 hours for your trailer to be emptied, while in the uk if your not moving your not being paid... Brexit has absolutely nothing to do with the hgv driver problem.
  15. As a leave voter, according to you and others, it is much much better for me to vote to be paid over 50% less? Your kidding me right? your telling me ill be better off if i voted to stay in the eu and be nearlly 60k out of pocket? My wfe has also had a pay rise, together we are both over 100 k better off than last year... Obviously it was the wrong decision for us.... Next time it comes around, ill vote to rejoin so i can be a peasant again as deserved....
  16. No, watch us play, they both play dm / cm, jwp covers rb, and OR covers for the lb when they push up, they both watch the back line too alternating who pushes forward when play allows, but mostly they both sit in front of the back 4 and very rarely push up to the final 3rd, this allows the full backs to push high up providing the width we other wise wouldnt have playing 4222. Although i agree OR is the more defensive of them both and jwp leads the press, jwp doesnt push forward enough to warrent being called a box to box as he doesnt push to get to the box OR does this as jwp stays deeper. Here have a peak at this https://www.coachesvoice.com/james-ward-prowse-southampton-ralph-hasenhuttl/
  17. For the position he plays, he is one of the most creative dms in the league... Name one dm who got more assists last season?.... Was 14th in the league last season in all positions.. As a DM,, let that settle and think of a reply...
  18. Was a shortage before brexit... So what was the cause then? Hgv drivers have been in decline for the last decade at least.. Germany have had declining numbers since 2010... In 2018 they had a shortage of 30k drivers, france 20k, Denmark 2-3 k sweden 3-4 k norway 2k... Germany expect upto 20 k drivers to retire this year or next.. Wonder how much brexit had to do with that... Dont believe the narrative in the news... Even the US has an hgv driver shortage problem.. Not every thing is because of brexit...
  19. I have a job which before brexit i was easy to replace with a worker who would likely do the same job for less money forcing wages down, now i am valued not so easy to replace and i am being paid far better as a result.. Brexit has so far been a win win for me.
  20. So you think we should put him back to being paid less than Elyounoussi? Theo Walcot? Stephens? Long? Redmond? Djenepo, McCarthy? lol...... A guy who was the main reason for so many goals for us last season and contributed hugely defensively?
  21. Lol im not so sure, wanyama could not manage to pass 5 yards most of the tine so not so sure he was twice the player jwp is, was a good ball winner in a pretty solid team lead by a good manager with tadic at his best and co... but thats about it, OR is better than wanyama can pass more than 5 yards. Any way, this place has always hated jwp, only have to go through the history on him to see it, never been appreciated, this place ( some posters any way) claimed jwp was nothing more than a than a league 1 player at best. Some claimed redders was always going to be better than jwp and was always going to score more goals and get more assists and be worth far more and be are best player and blah blah blah... Hahaha We sell jwp this window we will go down, thats over 70% of our goals and assists last season gone in jwp n ings... And no way to replace with equal or even just as good players, 50 mill for jwp is peanuts when white after 1 season in the epl has gone to gunners for that price...
  22. No one laughed at SAF when united used an asymmetric formation and became one of the most successful teams in his time at the club....
  23. Mosin

    Danny Ings

    He is a dm who got one less open play assist than our most creative ( redders) player? Should you not he moaning about the forwards and attacking mids we have who are not doing what they get paid to do, most of which all get paid more than jwps 50k a week and put in a quarter of the effort.
  24. Mosin

    Danny Ings

    Man city, messi 7 of the 9 goals
  25. Rice didnt finish the game, was subbed for Hendon who got sub off for pens cause he has taken like 60 n missed them all. So he would have been a better option for 2 mins than Rashford and sancho was obviously...
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