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Everything posted by Mosin

  1. The NI protocol is a result of a sore loser remainer taking the government to court to block a no deal brexit, a no deal brexit i was in support of, not the crap we got, i also do not have any ill feelings to either Scotland or NI if they are planning on leaving the UK, you seem to think i have an issue with a democatic decision, if Scotland and NI choose to be independent i shall not be like ( some) remainers and the EU, but in fact shall wish them the best of luck and good fortune in the choices the people of NI and Scotland decide even if its bad for them or good, it will make no difference to me, it is not for me to decide what is best for ever one, you claim brexit is bad because you now need a visa to go to the EU and bring no other arguments, is it because you cant get a visa? I have no problems and have been twice since brexit, my wages have grown massively since and bills increased slightly, but those incress are because of covid and war in Ukraine, not brexit, if you really think me, a supporter of countrys being independent and democratic has a problem with other countrys choosing to leave the UK to chase the EU dream ( Scotland) or to become completely independent ( like the new party in NI, yes they dont reunification or to be apart of the UK) then you are wrong, i would be delighted for them. Trying to claim its because of brexit is silly, although i agree it likely speed it up as the NI protocol is retarded. Scotland have been chasing independence for longer than i have been alive and it really started to gather pace in 2007, long before brexit, but yet an independent Scotland wouldnt be a member of the EU, its membership was tied to the UKs and wouldnt be carried over or considered a member any more if it became an independent country.. EUs own words... and we all know how long the fast tracked extra helping speed up entry time is 20 years.. How long do you think a normal waiting time is? I am not a nanny, i dont want to look after every body else and tell them what to do or how to vote, i do my vote and i get on with it, deal with what ever happens, accept it and move on. No point crying like you years after the event claiming brexit has ruined every thing for you... .. This is not a fully aimed reply to you, but also to Warriorsaint.
  2. Honestly, SNP have been chansing independence since 2007, Way before brexit, Ireland troubles have always been around... Do you blame brexit when you burn your toast? Your so desperate...
  3. Not really duped into any thing, i voted to leave as i thought it would be better for my self ( I dont vote for any one but my self ), and it has benefitted my self, my wife, and kids and here i am earning just under 3 times as much post brexit In the same job with the same company who was againts leaving the EU ( wonder why ), my working conditions are improving ( With loads more investment in facilitys to come.), and instead of being replaceable and in no position to negotiate for a better wage, im valued so much they offered me a huge incress in wage trying thei best they could to keep me and now treat me with the respect i deserve i am now so valued i was even being offered jobs when i stopped at services for number 2's, no interviews, no nothing, just the fact i drove an HGV was enough... i even get paid for stoppages now eg sitting waiting to be loaded and unloaded and paid extra for sleeping in my cabin if im forced too ( Mostly because im forced to wait to be unloaded and loaded...). so for me personally, it was a huge success..... not only that, but since brexit, the company has started training new drivers again, for the first time in over 20 years ive seen the place i work at actually training new HGV drivers from its LOCAL area onsite. I acknowledge not all are better off, so why cant remainers also acknowledge not all was rosy for everybody while we was in the EU.
  4. Most was brought before the war started, the website i just linked shows all the info...
  5. you really going to compare 200 odd mill to a currently 48 bill and still rising..... https://energyandcleanair.org/financing-putins-war/
  6. Or because of recent situations its impossible to link any one thing to brexit.. was covid brexits fault?, Was the war in Ukraine brexit fault too? When the current crap is over, come back and i am sure it'll be happily discussed, currently i feel the EU is in the sht in regards to it paying for Russia to destroy Ukrainians.. what is it, 41 billion and counting... Am more than happy currently to not be apart of the EU thank you very much.
  7. this is what i thought too
  8. This..
  9. No way can any one condone Wills reaction, your basically saying its ok to lash of if your snkwflakes get hurt, ofc jot.. My kids get insulted weekly at school, ok to go slap all the kids? For aving a laugh.. Get a gril.. Dudes a di ck head always has been, he only got his oscar caused he has claimed oscars is racist every time he didnt win for the last 30 yaears... Hes terrible and isnt even worthy of an oscar, so so so many better actors around. Suit me perfectly if i never see him in a film or his horrid arrogant voice again.. Denzel Washington is 10 times the actor Will Smith is... Ian bill from eastenders is better.... Wanted to add, thanks for ruining alladin, its an insult to Robin Williams
  10. Is on, but not on uk tv,any other place your good though.. lol
  11. Mosin

    Dele Alli

    honestly, i would rather a transfer, but a loan is fine... ofc if he can find his hunger again which he might playing with KWP and working with Ralph, it can only be a good thing. He was good once, no reason why he cant be again with hard work and dedication.
  12. Mosin

    Dele Alli

    was all of Spurs form, After the champs final the players stopped playing for poch, Delli was still pretty good, Jose kicked him out of the team ( He always does it to one player at every club he goes too ) and Alli wanted to join poch at PSG but Levy said no, hes been rubbish since...
  13. Not sure it would for Newcastle, the stronger they get now, the easier it will be to survive. i dont think we would sell him though tbh, think he will retire here
  14. Mosin

    Dele Alli

    I thought his form dropped after his fallin out with Jose? Maybe he has a problem with more than just the manager and has grown to dislike Spurs, would explain his lack of effort. you dont go from being good to totally crap unless you dont want to play ( Bale is a perfect example although he isnt as good as he was ) Ali is still young, he might not reach the same level, but even if he got close and was making an effort he would be good and a risk worth taking for a loan / 20 mill spuds want and Ralph might sort him out, if he does, then it is a good thing for us? He never had any probs under Poch and we all know Poch demands 100 % all the time from his players and Alli was really good under him
  15. i honestly dont think Tuchel has any say on Chelseas transfers, has any Chelsea manager ever? Roman has his own hand picked person to do it, some one called Marina Granovskaia or some thing like tht... She has been in charge of player sales and buys since he took over........
  16. If it causes the goalkeeper to drop the ball yes.. you cant challnage the goalkeeper if he is in control of the ball. KS got a free kick the other day because he had a finger on the ball and a player nicked it from under his finger... I dont agree with it.. just want to say that
  17. The goalkeeping rule is pretty clearly worded... A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save holding the ball in the outstretched open hand bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s).
  18. https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/competitions/premier-league/12505656/ref-watch-should-spurs-goals-have-stood looks like he catches it and is under control and bringing it towards his chest till it gets popped out the bottom.. the player caused the goalkeeper to drop it...... goalkeeper only needs to touch the ball even with 1 hand to be classed as in control.
  19. we had tighter ones go against us last season, if it was given off this season it was more offside than most last season which only had to be 1 cm offside, now they get two inches, which the EPL them selfs said would have had 20 more goals last season.... https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12361221/whats-new-for-2021-22-var-thicker-lines-armpits-and-handball-rule-changes-for-new-season "We've introduced the benefit of the doubt for the attacking player so where we have a really close offside situation, we will follow the same process as last year but now apply thicker broadcast lines. "Effectively what we have done is given back 20 goals to the game that were deemed offside last season by using quite forensic scrutiny. "So it's the toenails, the noses of players that were offside - they won't be offside now If it was offside, it was by more than a cm that a lot of goals last season was given off for.. how much margin of error do you think the attacker should get over an entire back line? 5 inches? half a leg? day light between them?
  20. Its not soft, you cant challange a keeper who has two hands on the ball, cant interpret the rule, its clear, your not allowed full stop ( you can untill he touches it with both hands though ), so yes its a foul and VAR should / would have likely ruled so as well, as it will be an obvious mistake..... As for offside, if its off, its off, i dont even agree that attackers get a " Margin of error " now, your either off or on... he is offside more than a lot of disallowed goals last season when the margin of error was 0 and the tip of your nose was deemed off side. not the few inches they now currently get.
  21. Mosin

    Formula One

    you are confusing the f1's sporting regualtions with the FIA's international ones.. the ISC ( International sporting code ) over rides it all, its the big one, the one every single series, all the way down to Karting must compete on, its contents havent really changed for over 60 years. even more so the first line which has been on it since the the fia was born.... The f1 sporting regulatoins are different, these include ( But are seperated )the things like technical regs and so on, these change every year and also during the season, here is the first line of the f1 regualtions 1) REGULATIONS 1.1 The final text of these Sporting Regulations shall be the English version which will be used should any dispute arise as to their interpretation. Headings in this document are for ease of reference only and do not form part of these Sporting Regulations. 1.2 These Sporting Regulations apply to the whole calendar year referred to in the title, and to the Championship taking place within that calendar year (“the Championship”). Any changes made by the FIA for safety reasons may come into effect without notice or delay. i will add an important one for you that is in the f1's sporting regulations, you will like its wording 2) GENERAL UNDERTAKING 2.1 All drivers, Competitors and officials participating in the Championship undertake, on behalf of themselves, their employees, agents and suppliers, to observe all the provisions as supplemented or amended of the International Sporting Code (the Code), the Formula One Technical Regulations (Technical Regulations), the Formula One Financial Regulations (Financial Regulations) and the present Sporting Regulations together referred to as “the Regulations” 2.2 The Championship and each of its Events is governed by the FIA in accordance with the Regulations. Event means any event entered into the FIA Formula One Championship Calendar for any year commencing 24 hours before P1 is scheduled to take place and ending at the time for the lodging of a protest under the terms of the Code or the time when a technical or sporting certification has been carried out under the terms of the Code, whichever is the later. https://www.fia.com/regulation/category/110 The first line in the Fia's internation sporting code is above in my privious post, here is the website link to the ISC https://www.fia.com/regulation/category/123 he can change some things, but not sporting ones..... these are the principles of motorsport as a whole, not just f1, it is his jobs, and the FIA's to make sure every single race and all the championshisp, formual one, touring, WEC, you know just look your self its a big list, https://www.fia.com/fia-competitions. From the fia, i highlighted an important bit for you " On Sunday, another FIA F1 world championship season of competitive excellence has concluded, and the credit goes to the participating drivers and teams. The FIA congratulates all of them for their performances in this year. It was a hard fight, and the best competition was displayed at each Grand Prix. The world watched every race with great anticipation, knowing that in the end, there could only be one winner. In this respect, many praised Max Verstappen for his victory, and Lewis Hamilton for his remarkable performance and sportsmanship after the closing event of the season. The 2021 FIA Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, has prompted a large number of reactions from the F1 community and from motor sport in general, as well as in the public. The FIA’s primary responsibility at any event is to ensure the safety of everyone involved and the integrity of the sport. The circumstances surrounding the use of the Safety Car following the incident of driver Nicholas Latifi, and the related communications between the FIA race direction team and the Formula 1 teams, have notably generated significant misunderstanding and reactions from Formula 1 teams, drivers and fans, an argument that is currently tarnishing the image of the Championship and the due celebration of the first drivers’ world championship title won by Max Verstappen and the eighth consecutive constructors’ world championship title won by Mercedes. Following the presentation of a report regarding the sequence of events that took place following the incident on Lap 53 of the Grand Prix and in a constant drive for improvement, the FIA President proposed to the World Motor Sport Council that a detailed analysis and clarification exercise for the future with all relevant parties will now take place. This matter will be discussed and addressed with all the teams and drivers to draw any lessons from this situation and clarity to be provided to the participants, media, and fans about the current regulations to preserve the competitive nature of our sport while ensuring the safety of the drivers and officials. It is not only Formula 1 that may benefit from this analysis, but also more generally all the other FIA circuit championships. Following that presentation and an extensive discussion, the World Council has decided to unanimously support the President’s proposal. The FIA will therefore do its utmost to have this in motion within the Formula 1 governance and will propose to the Formula 1 Commission to give a clear mandate for study and proposal to the Sporting Advisory Committee, with the support of Formula 1 drivers, so that any identified meaningful feedback and conclusions be made before the beginning of the 2022 season. It was a farce, a manipulation to hand MV the crown and it will for ever be tainted as such.
  22. Mosin

    Formula One

    Not for the international sporting code, it'll be like mike dean in the middle of the game deciding that every time one team kicks the ball, no matter where on pitch, its a penalty and they cant even have a GK in the goal, and the FA coming out and saying, yeah mate thats FAIR PLAY, he is the ref he can do what he wants and change the rules as he sees fit even if it goes againsts fair sport. There is a requirement in the sporting regulations to wave all the lapped cars past’ [emphasis added] before the safety car returns to the pit lane and the race recommences ‘therefore the safety car period was a bit longer than what we would have normally wanted’ – i.e. the race director cannot overrule the appropriate application of the regulations, including the full application of article 48.12. Wanted to add, that was a comment from Masi himself, The race director.
  23. Mosin

    Formula One

    Result isnt correct at all, Marshals was on the track still during lap 57, so the ALL the cars had to unlap only towards the end lap 57 for safety reason, so would have still needed by regualtion to have a lap to rejoin the pact as per the rules, so the safety car comes in at the end of the next lap as per the regualtions end of 58 thus only a 100 yards dash to the line which means it finished under yellow flag.I If you dont let the cars unlap, then they can bring the SC in at the end of lap 57 and we can go racing once LH has restarted the race with 5 cars between him and MV which redbull knew meant max was very unlikely to catch LH so knowing the rules and the likely hood of it finishing like that is why he ( CH ) was on the phone screaming at Masi to only let SOME lapped cars past which is againsts the rules as it clearly says all cars or none, take note all SC rules are written to adhear to all other regualtions eg the first line of the international sporting regualtion which all its championships must race under not just f1, i think about 23 different ones... WEC, F2, f3, FE and soon and so on... here is the first line of the code. ARTICLE 1.1 INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS OF MOTOR SPORT 1.1.1 The FIA shall be the sole international sporting authority entitled to make and enforce regulations based on the fundamental principles of safety and sporting fairness, for the encouragement and control of automobile Competitions, and to organise FIA International Championships. it was fixed / manipulated. MV is a fake champion. LH is the rightful 8th time world champion, and it will always be remebered as such.
  24. have you been watching this seasons drama with Merc n RB? its been an awesome fight for the championship so far, just 2 rounds left and it can still go either way... not been this close between two diff teams for that long i cant even remember its been that long.. haha Any way back on subject RIP Sir Frank!! will always be remebered
  25. well i guess it does, It is hereby declared that Northern Ireland in its entirety remains part of the United Kingdom and shall not cease to be so without the consent of a majority of the people of Northern Ireland voting in a poll held for the purposes of this section in accordance with Schedule 1. and It is the entitlement and birthright of every person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, to be part of the Irish nation. That is also the entitlement of all persons otherwise qualified in accordance with law to be citizens of Ireland. Furthermore, the Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage. so really no border between UK NI and ROI can exist as it goes against the gfa, so a border between UK and ROI cant happen as it removes the rights given to those in NI wrttien in the GF agreement, so the border needs to go between ROI and the EU as Bojo wanted to start with but the EU refused.. so really this is because of the EU playing hard ball against the wishes of the people of ireland. That right? or wrong?
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