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Everything posted by Mosin

  1. So even though JWP is the one who is the only one closing down, the only one trying to apply pressure, its his fault Kotchap misses a tackle Lavia does not move more than 5 yards ( Like 20 yards between Lavia and JWP at one point ) and Salisu and Carr dont get in front of him ( Ill be fair, it was a wonderfully struck goal though ) But JWP is the one who is ball watching and not staying with his man...... Seems more picking fault and deflecting blame than pointing at the real offenders. 3rd picture sums it up, JWP arms out wondering WTF Lavia is.. P.S i thought it waas Niles at first my bad.
  2. Look at your 1st picture, look at your 3rd picture, how many yards has player 45 moved to fill the gap JWP left when closing down after the short freekick? 1 yard? 2 yards? You specifically show Kotchap missing complately his tackle, thats 2 errors. JWP covered what? 15 - 20 yards in 10 secs, Niles barely moves, doesnt see the big open hole in the center of the field...... because he is to busy ball watching and strolling.
  3. JWP is the only one closing down at that point, every body else is flat footed, Kotchap, Niles and Larios hardly move, Kotchap misses a tackle and Niles barely moves to cover the space JWP left to close down. to pin it all on one player is just nit picking. blame the result on the poor forwards who cant score or even hit the target from 5 yards out, needed our left back to show them how its done.
  4. "Brexit (/ˈbrɛksɪt, ˈbrɛɡzɪt/;[1] a portmanteau of "British exit") was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) at 23:00 GMT on 31 January 2020" Love to hear how you worked it out to be 6 years.
  5. Mosin

    JWP Article

    Need to be on the field to be shown up, his performances so far in an England shirt has been good. What does he have? 4 apps 2 goals?
  6. Should read, more than a 3rd of brits to thick to look at contract for mobile phone and got charged loads, mean while, people with some brains already knew most mobile networks like o2 / ee still do free 2 roam like home that is free of charge and comes from a free sim card you can order for free from the network providers website, to activate your free sim is just a simple 10 pound top up for a whole months usage...... would have saved them selfs 990 pound...
  7. Surely you have had your passport checked before and are well aware it takes a few moments?. I can jump on a plane and go throw Australias customs controls in less than 10 min as long as all is how it should be ofc, and the US ( I went for miami GP ), Brazil ( Again f1 ), And Dubia which i go every year for the f1 and brazil and the canada GP. when problems only happen at one place it is because one side doesnt employ / have enough staff on, you cant blame brexit for mismanagment. Remeber a certain football game where thousands of supporters couldnt get into a game they had tickets too, even the media was refused entry and tear gased!!! and club given ticket holders, all apparently fake tickets, or the fact they got tear gassed for standing nicely at teh gate questioning why they was not being allowed in? Seems highly likely the queues are a result of the french deciding to be dicks, Just as was found at the champions league game..
  8. would having all 12 open not have helped? am curious what your position is, seeing as only 4 was open most of the day.... Do you check out quicker at tesco if they only have one till? should they scrap all the other tills and auto tills because it actually dont ( Remainer logic ) make things faster?. Even as far back ( And earlier!!!) as 2015 issues at dover was an every day thing pretty much.. Was this brexit too? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-36873632
  9. Curious, i know curiousity killed the cat, but still... how does exporting any thing like Electronic display systems, or other items, lower the cost of importing fuel, gas, food and other essential shopping items? that will lower my personal / family cost of living? will they just like magically change if we was apart of the EU still / rejoined?. Even when the price for these same items are rising faster in alot of the EU? or is it rising faster for them because we are exporting less to them? Just want to get a clearer understanding on why remainers ( Not intended as an insult but mearly to describe people who blame brexit for every thing / antibrexit people ) feel the need to blame the same price rises around the globe on brexit, and how or why you not exporting the EU will incress how much i brought my bread and fuel at tesco for, or why i now pay more for my gas. its my understanding its because of the war and the covid, im all ears if you can explain to me how you or other people exporting goods lowers the price of my weekly shop, fuel and gas bill. If you can explain it to me, ill vote to rejoin if a vote ever happens.
  10. Keep the insults coming. we all know people resort to insults when proven wrong. just because you fail to undertsand the difference bewteen the EEC and the EU is not my problem.
  11. lol, your trying to cover his bum. Do you eat it? Leavers tried to leave the EU before the EU existed.. Ok.... right! Told you, ill get a Vicky pollard reply... This is it..
  12. Learn to use google........... Before 1993 it was not the european union. So who is the thick one? The Maastricht Treaty (formally known as the Treaty on European Union), which was signed on February 7, 1992, created the European Union. The treaty met with substantial resistance in some countries. In Denmark, for example, voters who were worried about infringements upon their country’s sovereignty defeated a referendum on the original treaty in June 1992, though a revised treaty was approved the following May. Voters in France narrowly approved the treaty in September, and in July 1993 British Prime Minister John Major was forced to call a vote of confidence in order to secure its passage. An amended version of the treaty officially took effect on November 1, 1993. I await your Vicky Pollard reply... yeah but no but yeah but no yeah but no but yeah but no yeah but no but yeah but no.....
  13. Brexiteers are thick? Yet this remainer cant even work out that 1993 - 2020 is not 40 years...
  14. How is it hurting your wallet? Prices rises are currently world wide, but i am interested in learning what items you pay more for as a direct consequence of brexit. I know my wallet is feeling it because ill just quote a bit of an article i just read posted above " However, wage growth is failing to match soaring inflation fuelled by global supply chain blockages and Russia’s war in Ukraine driving up already high wholesale energy prices." So as i said, im interested in learning what items you buy that costs more as a direct result of brexit.
  15. Lol.... Such a bigger better human being, obviously..
  16. So its ok to say brexiteers, but not remainers.. double standards no?. "No Brexiters left anymore to cheerlead for our act of national self harm? Anyone? " remainer comment a month ago on this forum. so again, hows your double standards coming along? Find me one speach / article of MT endorsing and promoting the EUs regulatory take over of the single market the EU commision now controls? You can find it on bbc, google the bruges speach, that quite an attack on the EU, nicely written too. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55454106 1)Neither are brexiters, but i dont see you defending them when ppl say it, wonder why... more double standards, bit funny really, do any thing to stop democracy you lot. 2)So show me some, i dont know, OECD data or some thing, that shows a direct link that is affecting the UK comsumers only because of brexit ( No links to war or covid please.. ill know you will struggle to find any. Or opinion pieces). https://www.oecd.org/
  17. Im well aware you dont have to be a member of the EU, But YOU HAVE TO OBEYTHE ECJ TO BE IN THE SINGLE MARKET, If you join the SM, you must obey all the rules and regulations, freedom of every thing, we are supposed to be freeing our selfs from, by having regulatory independence, the two are not compatible. That is some thing you cant / fail to understand. My point with the article is claiming its some thing MT wanted, ill quote " Let’s not forget, both Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher endorsed this model ", its not, she wanted an SM free from brussles, which was agreed then changed 5 years later with the creation of the European Union and her removal from office. The current crisis is a result of war n covid, some thing remainers fail to understand, gas electric and fuel prices are not going to suddenly drop around the world because the UK joined the SM, so it rejoining isnt going to change that, is it? Just like some bbc article claiming one kilo of veg will cost more because its written as 35.2 ounces / 2.2 pounds instead of 1 kilogram, remainers lap that rubbish up.....
  18. Can we stop with the personally insults? i know it is hard for some of you remainers to stay civil. Firstly, i missed read the article, still no need to insult me, you could just point it out.... why did we not join the single market when we left the EU? regulatory independence... independence from EU rules and regulations. take control away from the ECJ. MT did indeed support the SM, Although it was not called that back then, It was called the common market, and it was well known she did not want it to be controlled by a fedralist state ( EG the EU commision) but after we joined in 1987?) it had changed into the new improved SM in 1992 in which the EU took over it. So no she did not support ever close ties to the EU or the SM because in 1992 it turned into the thing she warned would happen. She was pretty clear she didnt want endless regulation and control from the EU commision ( Which didnt yet exist )... Was well clear she didnt want us in the european union, she attacked the thought of it countless times. any thing that took control away was a big no no from MT. She was forced out of office because of her views on the European Union, use google you can find direct quotes and even written speachs on her views against what the EEC has become. Ill link a little quote for you "We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them re-imposed at European level, with a European super-state exercising a new dominance from Brussels."
  19. The question you need to ask your self while reading that is..... Why would 2.2 pound of veg suddenly cost more than a kilogram... It wont... its lies. Also no requiments for ppl to change, its a choice. Wont happen, Will take to long to rejoin, by the time we have rejoined the current situation will be over, and we will have to give up the pound as required to rejoin which also would never happen. Not to mention going back on all the reason we left eg freedom of movement of ppl and so on. He should also remember MT was againts the joining of the EU which is why she was forced out of office, she wanted the EEC to stay as it was, claimed it would take powers from member states.. fair to say she wasnt wrong!!! LOL.
  20. the airport its self blames staff shortages. its a problem all over eu ""Like other airports all over Europe, we are currently working extremely hard to build back our operation after the collapse of international travel, including the recruitment, training and mandatory background checks required for all staff working at an international airport," "
  21. This is my thoughts on it lol. Looking forward to it ending so the other half stfu.....
  22. Not exactly, alot of the evidence at this court case wasnt heard in the high court battle, They refused it...... some of what heard said in the high court case has also been proven since to be a lie, which questions the rest of her statements that she and her sister gave. Im not personally interested, But unlucky for me that my misses is very intrested in this...
  23. high court case was depp v the sun? and not depp v heard. Just thought you should know that.
  24. No thnx, That might be your thing, but it is certainly not mine. ill have a thong on, pulled up tight, right up my backside, whilst singing and dancing to the thong song........ I must say though, i do feel rather troubled that you have been thinking of my underwear....
  25. im doing alright, i think my soul is fine too. was thinking of going to Sellicks beach, Adelaide next year in Feb, think ill need a visa?
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