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  1. I'm an american fan who is studying in London. I'm going to the game and taking the 11am London Euston to Manchester Piccadilly. Because I'm not from Southampton I don't know anyone. If there are any University-aged saints fans traveling to the match it may be fun to grab a beer before.
  2. Personally, my liverpool hate goes out to dejan lovren. 20m, what a joke. I'm a foreign fan, and won't be able to make it to the game, But I think the following 2 chants I thought of today would serve him right for all the time he's spent on the bench this season, and for how he treated saints when he departed. "Who plays down the left? Who plays down the righhttt? Not Dejan Lovren Benched by BR's side" "HAVE FUN WITH LOVREN, HE REALLY IS S**T, HAVE **** WITH LOVREN, HE’S A TOTAL GIT, HAVE FUN WITH LOVREN, HE COST YOU A LOT, HAVE FUN WITH LOVREN, HE'LL LET IN OUR SHOT" Just a thought. I don't get to go to many games and don't know who decides the chants. Go saints. I'm trusting in you this weekend!
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