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Everything posted by bristolsaint29

  1. Is that fergie time?
  2. Ha ha we're 4th as it stands!
  3. My twitter account is bristolsaint7
  4. Rob da bank,
  5. Harsh, smack him with your programme!
  6. People need to actually worry about things that matter rather than the some seat colours. God your lives must be really dull.
  7. We're 5th. European football beckons!
  8. Srlegm to the rescue
  9. He also wouldnt be down to one post because of a double post ;.)
  10. £3.50 and a bag of dry roasted peanuts
  11. Wait till she gets hold of your phone and has a chat with the director of your company at 6 on a sunday morning.
  12. Oh just do one with your stupid suggestions. Oh oh look someone at a football club needs replacing. It must be one of our club members!!!!!
  13. Thanks for all everything chappers. Model proffesional ho always gave your all. Wont forget the goal against man u.
  14. Benteke
  15. My relative was mayor of southampton, Michael Andrews I can categorically confirm he never got a season ticket for free.
  16. Lived here 12 years and know Bristol pretty well, would have thought I may have noticed a moon made of cheese?
  17. Did call the police, didn't even come round! Bad enough ****ting in the street but in front of kids FFS
  18. Came home from work last night and found a drunk bloke leant against the wall of the house opposite having a sh1t. As if this want bad enough in the 2 minutes I was getting out of my car 2 groups of children no older than 10 walked by whilst he had his pants round his ankles.
  19. Im hearing chelsea
  20. Just got in from circuits and read this. Gave my little ones a little kiss in there sleep. Theres a new saint in heaven today. My deepest condolences to the Chaplow family. Amazing tribute from ricky which shows the closeness of our squad.
  21. People apparently running it in aid of conneticut school shooting. Boston police say 2 dead 22 injured.
  22. Areoldprogrammes worth anything I have a huge box in lift from my dad and uncle hac to steward at Dell.
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