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Everything posted by bristolsaint29

  1. Never knew Paula but always seems closer when its related to something your involved with, condolences to Paulas family. RIP Paula
  2. Apparently a grudge with his former employee!!! He also hit another bloke with a spanner and set fire to the offices.
  3. Actually I did, had an argument with him about 6 months ago as he crashed a lorry and I sacked him, was only speaking to the bloke he killed yesterday morning as I take staff of them. Bit bloody scary and a bit too close to home!!!!!
  4. On a different note I used to employ the bloke who did this!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/7681176.stm
  5. bristolsaint29


    Thatchers Gold - Crisp reasonable strength Thatchers Katy - A lady I have fallen in love with over 7% and tastes like apple juice Old Rosie - Brewed by Westons aquired taste lose all sense in tongue Black Rat - Very nice quite strong Stowford Press - Addlestones - Longer in barrel stronger it gets. The ultimate though in my humble Bristolian opinion has got to be Natch, £1.30 a pint in my local, still poured from a flagon and can strip paint from 30 yards...........although you wont remember the evening after 5 pints!!!!!!!
  6. My great uncle was Dixie Dean
  7. offered me £3665 for my Seat Leon Cupra 20vT on an 02 plate. 54k miles dealer will offer me £5200
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