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Everything posted by bristolsaint29

  1. Oh can't wait to be sat in a box at white hart lane when we **** them.
  2. Oh just bloody announce it I want to go to bed!!!
  3. Can they spell upside?
  4. Resorted to watching happy Gilmore as sick of bloody Falcao and man utd
  5. I think it is times like this where depression is actually talked about. As much of a tragedy it is if it helps change the view of depression from someone being bloody miserable and selfish to someone with a genuine illness then Some good has come of it. It ways amazes me the ignorance of this illness and the stigma surrounding it. Yet it never surprises me when one person me ions it how many more come out and say that they have also suffered. I too have and have been in some dark places yet I have a good job and family around me. There is no rhyme or reason to it.
  6. Sky news reporting we are in for Redmond and after from Norwich
  7. Speechless. Words actually fail me. It's a darker time now than the league one at least then we could go up. Downward spiral I fear.
  8. Wish this would just end. Thoroughly ****ed off with it all. Just been offered corporate at white hart lane for the saints game but not sure if I even want it now.
  9. Can I have To be confirmed
  10. Just seen £16m as the price apparently
  11. Thought this was for transfer talk only lol
  12. Round 2 coming over Bristol
  13. Just don't pay him. Pretend we've lost his bank details
  14. Well I heard today liverpool are now after Rodriguez!
  15. We also proved that without wanyama we let more goals in
  16. I heard he was gonna do a swampy and live up a tree.
  17. You still waffling on....................go and have a beer chill out smoke a joint, whatever but just chill the **** out!!!!!
  18. We're doomed..............I'm off to **** my bed
  19. I don't care about lallana. Be happier with the money
  20. Dunno but 100k in ya pocket a week I'd do most things!!!!
  21. Mum wanted to know why all the hanging around on Saturday night and if they could start the game a bit early as she was getting tired.
  22. I'm hearing rumblings hes starting welbeck on left instead of lallana.
  23. Not yet as am quite busy today
  24. Boo hoo
  25. Alta Rica at work Blue Mountain at home
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