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Everything posted by Gd

  1. I thought Danny Guthrie, Newcastle colours!?
  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you, rip big man and of course Nicola.
  3. I bought myself a yamaha ybr 125 a few weeks ago because I couldn't afford a second car and I love it. However I used to ride a Piaggio x9 125 which is bigger than your average scooter and very comfortable and was very reliable and loved that too. But I'd go with a bike much more fun and easier to repair.
  4. Speaking as someone also facing a 5% pay cut (just under £1700 a year), I am happy to have a job believe me i am but cutting that much from my money when i have 3 kids and all the other bills that everyone else has to pay i am certainly not happy about it especially as we'll be getting no cost of living pay rises either for the forseable future and every bill incl food goes up just takes the P!$$. I really don't think all the strikes will have much effect as it would of done many years ago. I am aware of other councils in the country following our situation closely to see how the unions court case goes to see whether they can also reduce pay. So who knows what will happen then. Still i could be worse off i suppose.
  5. I agree that is a good idea but potentially setting yourself up to be accused of illegally evicting your tenants if things go wrong, I can also see your tenants agreeing to go and giving you a date and then that falling through then being back to square 1. I've seen it way to much.
  6. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=7&ved=0CGMQFjAG&url=http%3A%2F%2Fjehankhan.vpweb.co.uk%2Fupload%2FSection21Notice.pdf&rct=j&q=section%2021%20notice%20&ei=_EflTePbC5Op8QOcr8yIBw&usg=AFQjCNF7xBxkqCrjjZcMOSkN32_0ybq0Pw&cad=rja
  7. You need to issue a section 21 notice to quit the property which should give 2 clear months notice and end before rent is due but this can also get more complicated depending whether it's weekly rent or monthly rent. They are currently in a periodic tenancy which is what it is called after a fixed tenancy. Also just because you serve them with this notice it doesn't mean to say they have to leave the property. You have to apply to the courts for a possesion order and only then a court aproved bailiff can evict someone from your property. All this depends on whether or not they seek advise on their rights of course.
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