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About sadoldgit

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  1. When questioned about this Trump denied any knowledge and trashed The Atlantic is time honoured fashion when cornered. He is either lying (no change there then) or his administration is so poor that they didn’t brief him on this major breach in security. How on earth do we trust these people enough to share future intelligence with them? This from last year. https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/feds-investigating-government-data-breach-impacting-the-five-eyes-intelligence-alliance/
  2. sadoldgit


  3. sadoldgit


    Of course not. You don’t find it odd that some people constantly feel the need to post laughing emojis on posts about dead women and children? Wouldn’t you imagine that whatever drives their behaviour, the novelty would have worn off by now? The Lounge was always a bit weird but it seems to be getting weirder by the week.
  4. For those who haven’t seen it yet I can thoroughly recommend Adolescence. Each episode is filmed in one take which adds to the gritty realism of the drama. The young lad who plays Jamie is phenomenal but the rest of the cast are also superb. I’ll warn you now, Episode 3 is a gut wrencher and feels like you are eavesdropping on an actual session between real people. It takes me back to the gritty black and white dramas the BBC were famous for back in the 60’s.
  5. sadoldgit


    Over 50,000 now killed. Perhaps those who think it is appropriate to post laughing emojis on these posts would like to tell us what number will be enough? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2025/03/23/gaza-death-toll-israel-hamas/
  6. I didn’t bump into it as you say. I deliberately avoided it for some time when I saw that it was you who started it. I have read articles about Tate and posted many on here. That is why I know about his comments. You made a comment about “pushing one in the local bike” which was clearly a sexual reference. I have never said that I never pay any attention to you. There is a big difference between little and any. You sound more and more like our resident conspiracy theorist.
  7. Why would you say that? I don’t use X and I don’t use TikTok either but I have read articles that say that is where his influence comes from. I noticed that you didn’t answer my question. I have three daughters from their mid to late twenties and pray that they never meet a man like Tate (or a few of the posters on here for that matter). I also have a step son in his early 30’s who went off the rails a bit as a teenager but thankfully has grown up as a decent guy who respects women. One particular poster wouldn’t like him though. Far too “woke”.
  8. Obsess? I wasn’t the one who stated a thread about Tate. I am merely pointing out that whilst some are playing down his relevance he and his views are a big issue and need to be taken seriously. The media were taking him seriously several years ago. The fact that some people have only just become aware of him doesn’t mean that he has only just surfaced and has little relevance. 10million followers or not, it is the type of people that he is influencing that is a major issue. The incels who sit in their rooms every night and feed in his (and others)bullshit. There are plenty of news features about Tate going back a few years if you both to google his name. His name comes up time and again in discussions about misogyny. This is nothing to do with me and your warped idea that I am obsess with him. It is a fact. If you had a young son who was following Tate’s content every day, how would you feel about it? We know Duckie would be cool with it because that is his idea of masculinity, but who you be happy if your son grew up like Tate? No surprise to see a laughing emoji from someone who refers to women as “bikes”.
  9. The idea that someone with his ideology with over 10m followers on X is nothing to be concerned about is bizarre to say the least.
  10. People are the product of the times they live in. The world is a very difference place now than it was half way through the last century just as it is different to the Middle Ages. Some things improve. Some things get worse. It wasn’t that long ago that women couldn’t vote here and were expected to stay at home and raise children. Things have improved massively in some areas but they are still suffering the effects of misogyny, domestic violence and sexual assault. If Andrew Tate and his like have had one positive effect on modern life, it is that they have brought toxic masculinity back into the headlines. Maybe it will make some people think a bit more about the people who support him and his rhetoric - Trump and Farage to name but two. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/20/nigel-farage-andrew-tate-important-voice-men-podcast-interview https://news.sky.com/story/amp/the-tates-and-trumps-inner-circle-the-deepening-ties-that-led-to-the-controversial-influencers-flying-to-freedom-in-america-13318676
  11. Which explains your attitude perfectly and why you think it is ok to call some women “9 pinters” and your wife “snapdragon”. It is 2025 Duckie, not 1939.
  12. There is a longer list of revoked security clearances though. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2025/03/21/politics/security-clearances-trump-harris-clinton
  13. We should play in all white for the rest of the season to indicate our abject surrender.
  14. Another Trump lie. He said he would be a dictator but only for one day. https://www.ft.com/content/865ee17c-4174-475d-8c78-816c6fbe2003
  15. Halfway through Adolescence at the moment. This from its writer. Action not role models. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0egyyq1z47o.amp Re Tate, this article is from a few years back. Famous on TikTok apparently. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/06/andrew-tate-violent-misogynistic-world-of-tiktok-new-star
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