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Everything posted by dissstudent

  1. In terms of terracing this is primary research into the desire for it to return as opposed to specific options - although having looked at the options rail seating is the most attractive for all parties.
  2. Hi everyone, A big thank you to all who have taken part so far in the steward perceptions survey; the results are interesting. However in order to gain results with any strong meaning to take to the club (and to get them to listen to you fully!) I need at least three times the 85 full responses I have had so far. So please please take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire on the link below and let me know what you think about stewards and terracing. If we can reach 300 full responses that would be fantastic - if you're viewing this thread please get involved! If everyone who viewed the last thread filled out the survey I would have over 700 responses: there's a target! Once again responses are anonymous and when it is all finished I will post the results on this forum for everyone to see. Thanks. https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/SnCKdY
  3. Thanks for the feedback angelman and Golden Balls I have been in touch with supporter relations already and they are aware of the research so I will be be forwarding it on to them.
  4. the research will definitely be made available on this forum as soon as I possibly can, thanks to everyone who has taken part so far!
  5. Hi everyone, I'm conducting research on how fans feel about stewards at St Mary's and how fans feel about the possible return of standing areas. This is your chance to let the club know how you think the stewards are doing and if you want terracing back in Premier League football. Please follow the link and fill out the questionnaire, which will take just a few minutes but could be very important in deciding how you are looked after in the stadium in the future. All responses are completely anonymous. https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/SnCKdY
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