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Everything posted by TheNorthLondonSaint

  1. hmm i had ryan air tickets that nearly tripled (talking about milan btw)
  2. pretty sure its the 03/11/16 game as all the skyscanner prices for that game just sky rocketed
  3. Living in swansea at the moment and would love to get a ticket to the game tomorrow if anyone has a spare then il deffo grab it except i can only really meet in swansea or outside the ground cheers
  4. Itching to get a ticket for tomorrow if you know anyone who has a spare let me know im london based so can meet before the game Cheers!
  5. if this is still going let me know i can meet outside the ground
  6. Arsenals fans dont really give a **** about away fans in the home end either ive done it the past two games and been fine, we did lose both games though?? Also there are plenty of touts around the ground who sell cup tickets for near the same price if that helps
  7. Anyone looking to go for a drink before the game and has abit of time id recommend the faltering fullback, a 5 minute walk from Finsbury park its got some jungle 2 tier smoking terrace the best pub in the area by far. The drayton is the away pub because none of the home fans would go in there anyway, only advantage is that its the closest to the ground. If you're looking for somewhere nice to eat then the only place worth going to is piebury corner, They have a stall on a corner of Gillespie road(left at arsenal station) and a shop next to holloway station. I have a parking spot 5 minutes from the stadium but im not giving it away for free
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