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Everything posted by Morse

  1. The 'Southampton way' is just more marketing guff, just like Les' 'Little Black book'. We're marching on together (more marketing guff) towards a bottom third finish, and a right royal pants down spanking at Wembley, that's the truth. It will be a good day out anyway so who cares.
  2. The Warrens was Southamptons answer to the Alamo.
  3. Another thing to bare in mind when buying from alternative on-line sellers is to ONLY buy with a credit card, NOT a debit card. If your ticket is bogus or doesn't show up you can get your money back from credit card purchases not debit cards.
  4. Morse


    Have i missed a meeting, are we officially in away strip? If not FFS, nothing beats red and white stripes.
  5. It's in the bag
  6. I'm doubtful, but then I thought Mane was a mistake when we signed him. From what I've read and the admittedly little I've seen I'm not awaiting the new messiah.
  7. Never doubted us or Puel for a minute..... Taxi.
  8. About time we got a performance and result that pleases. A bit worrying to see Vvd go off on a stretcher.
  9. Fook him. He let himself down and has been unprofessional, and lets get this "good servant of the club" into perspect. He was paid more in a week than most people earn in a year, so lets not get too dewy eyed about him. I'll happily boo him on his return not that it will make a jot of difference to his performance, but it will make me feel better and its all part of the pantomime called football.
  10. I'll let them know that after an average 40 years following Saints it turns out football isn't for them. It might come as a relief.
  11. I went there for the Semi-final in '87 and had a blast despite the result, but It's a bit further away for me these days. None of my 'firm' are going either though for various reasons, but the bottom line I think is nobody wants to travel all that way mid-week and see a team not perform, which there is every possibly of happening.
  12. The Championship was much more fun.
  13. I will travel in hope rather than expectation.
  14. Morse


    No, because the advantages of getting a team settled and playing regularly together (at this moment) outweighs any possible risk of injury. A player can get injured on the training ground after all, and didn't Kelvin injury himself dropping a jar of peanut butter on his toe? !
  15. Morse


    I could understand Puels rotation policy if the first choice eleven were ripping up trees when they were selected , but they clearly aren't. Instead a bit of game time eith a settled 11 to build a bit of understanding might work. Reed has said Puel hasn't had time on the trsining ground to work on tactics, maybe less rotation would give him an opportunity to develop his ideas. If he had picked the side he wants to face Leicester last night it would have been the perfect training opportinity.
  16. Even if we can replace the quality players sold to Liverpool, Spurs etc, with players as good or better, they too will be sold within a season or two. Thus there is no chance of developing a team capable of challenging the supremacy of the top six. Our business plan is buy cheep, sell high and hope the fan base aren't bothered by never winning anything as long as we stay in the Premiership. Bit depressing really.
  17. You can argue about the merits or otherwise of Puel, but what is absolutely beyond down is we need to buy a quality striker ASAP. Les Reed should be taken outside and shot for gambling on the fitness of Austin
  18. Anybody mentioned we need a quality striker to Les?
  19. Freefall
  20. Some very valid points, not lest the description of our game against Spurs. How we could have spent the first 20 minutes looking like we could tear them a new one, and then scuttle back into our shell and hide for the rest of the game is anyones guess.
  21. Shane Long. He might have scored Bobby goal and is a similar journeyman striker.
  22. Leeds '79 Home Everton '84 Highbury Liverpool '86 WHT Liverpool '87 Home Liverpool '87 Away Watford '03 Villa Park AS has been said, not too much to crow about for 40 years of following Saints
  23. It's often said by ex-pros that if the team is winning nobody minds playing 3 times a week. TO my mind the advantage he has gained by having fresher players is out-weighed by having an unsettled team.
  24. Morse

    FA Cup Replay

    It's not enough, I want at least £20 to watch that ******.
  25. Another lead thrown away, and another failure of the front line to score. Puel has to take a lot of the blame, as does the fitness coach, as does Reed for leaving us without an effective strike force.
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