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Everything posted by Morse

  1. Morse


    "He had breakfast with a very eminent person in football this morning". LOL, he can't help himself LOL, he's full of 5h1t.
  2. Morse


    And the only person who would know if that happened would have been Clots and maybe his PA and he made sure that story got out. All PR and no substance I'm afraid. And who was it he sold to Arsenal ? Not a selling club under Clots though eh?
  3. Morse


    If ML had stuck with Andrew Oldknow as CEO we would have had just as good a run to the Premiership but probably a better commercial revenue. Clotese was fantastic in his personal PR, every new player had to mention him as a reason to come to Saints is a good example, but to suggest he was in anyway responsible for our success on pitch is laughable. If he had a genuine 'midas' touch why haven't Liverpool hired him, or any football club for that matter?
  4. One thing I know about owners of Footballl Clubs is they very very rarely put the best interests of the club above their own. The very small handful that do were fans of the club long before they were owners, think Jack Walker at Blackburn. I would wager Kat has retained a 20% stake in the club because the Chinese fella wouldn't or couldn't stump up more dosh. I would also wager that spending the sort of money needed to improve our chances of European Cup completion wouldn't return enough extra to significantly cover the risk, better for him as an investor to put in minimum to keep us on the Premiership gravy train and pocket the profits.
  5. £9m investment returns £210m over eight years, not a bad bit of business.
  6. Jim Steele
  7. In the 1970's sit-com Man about the House, the hero was a Saints fan. Thats nostalgia.
  8. Marvellous. Now Les needs to splash a few bob on a couple of players from his black book and all will be well.
  9. Paddy Power is offering 500/1 on Craig David FFS !!!!!!! Fill ya boots mush's
  10. It's a 'NO' from me for Giggs, no personality and unproven; and a 'NO' to Howe, a one club man who failed the only time he tried to leave. In fact 'NO' to any British manager. German mangers are very fashionable at the moment, can't we get one of them?
  11. It will be the fella from Fulham. Fact.
  12. Selling the club for a knockdown price would be bad for Katerina, but possibly good for the club i.e. any potential investor would have more money to invest in the team/ stadium etc.
  13. Morse

    Puel out

    I live and work in France, I speak french, and have many french friends. I think Puel has taken us backwards, is uninspiring, out of his depth and should go.
  14. This. The one thing the Dwarf was good at was spending a lot of Marcus Leibherrs money on good PR for himself. A pen pusher with an attitude problem.
  15. No. I can't think of a single British manager I would want.
  16. I would rather Silva than Puel, but as has been stated there is better out there than both of them.
  17. I would say the modern day 'entitled' fan doesn't exist in the form you and others promote. When I was first going to watch Saints in the early seventies, in the second division as was, every other game there would be a slow hand clap, or chants of 'What a load of Rubbish' ringing around the ground. This 'support your club at all costs and woe betide anyone who criticises the little darlings' is a new phenomena; as is the belief that the players fragile egos will crumble at the slightest negativity from the great unwashed. FFS these players earn twice or more in a week what the average man earns in a year, so if football clubs want that average man to part with £42 to watch ****** I would say he is entitled to moan. And besides it's all part of the pantomime that is professional football.
  18. I would agree with your assessment of our situation totally, although not your suggestions for a replacement with the exception of Jokankovic, who would be a possible target if Fulham don't progress in the play-offs. Another name mentioned often is Carlos Carvalhal at Sheffield Wednesday, who appears to have managed 16 different clubs in a 16 year managerial career !!!!
  19. Good job I'm not going because if any tw8t waved a Sun near me I would have something to say about it.
  20. Surely the table names should reflect loyalty. Thus the tables should be named after the players with the greatest loyalty to Saints. 1. Terry Paine 2. Mich Chanson 3. Nick Holmes 4. Matthew Le Tissier 5. Tommy Trainer 6. Jason Dodd 7. Bert Shelley 8. Eric Day 9. Samuel Meston (me neither) 10. Claus Lundkevam 11. John Sydenham 12. Arthur Dominy (likewise) 13, Manager Ted Bates.
  21. Have you been working with glue or solvents in an unventilated room ?
  22. Football fans are without doubt the most over sentimental bunch of hopeless romantics in the playground. Marcus Liebherr did exceptionally well with his investment in SFC, and I would hazard a guess if he was alive today would be looking to cash in his investment. All this talk about Katarina looking after her father's legacy and memory is utter ******. She's cashing in at the right time too, and good luck to her for it. Whether the Chinese lot will turn out to be good for SFC or not only time will tell but alas it's out of our hands.
  23. I would take Tony Hart over Forster atm. and he's been dead 10 years FFS
  24. 9th, would be good from this point, 8th is probably too much to ask being realistic.
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