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Bald Headed Jesus

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Everything posted by Bald Headed Jesus

  1. WOuld be much appreciated…also is there still a neutral area at Fulham
  2. Great how can I get hold of you?
  3. Hi looking for ideally two but potentially one spare ticket for Brentford. Thanks!
  4. Spare still available? Thanks.
  5. Hello. Do you have any spare tickets?
  6. Just what we need then
  7. But where is the Marsden tribute?
  8. No offence but do you call everyone pal in real life?
  9. Away kit tonight presumably?
  10. He has been worst player today which is saying something
  11. Yes. Overrun in midfield and defending like cub scouts.
  12. Thought Redmond was alright personally, carried the ball well numerous times (albeit did give it away a couple of times). As for setting up to defend second half...not sure that was a tactical plan by inevitably Arsenal are going to get a period like that against you...look what they did to Spurs. Thought we defended really well...Stephens especially.
  13. Bus replacement on London route! Bleeders.
  14. Agreed, bring back Clive
  15. Could finish 8th, cup final, beat Inter during European jaunt, fixture congestion, major injuries. Enough said.
  16. Haven't seen tadic do much Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Bald Headed Jesus


    My opinion depends entirely on the last result
  18. So you are covering yourself nicely to dish out abuse with the benefit of hindsight if we lose
  19. Run for the hills Sims! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Thought he was great last season
  21. If anyone happens to pick this up which bar are you in / going to?
  22. Thanks. In that case would be up for sharing a taxi to airport after game if anyone up for it.
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