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Aziz Yebda

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Everything posted by Aziz Yebda

  1. Worst manager we've had in years
  2. Whats the Daily Echo?
  3. Do people honestly think we will continue to play like this until the end of the season?
  4. Dear Charlie. I am not glasgow. Hint is in picture. Regards CabbageFace
  5. Too realist we are going to finish top 6 and THAT is a MASSIVE achievement.
  6. Pelle is to blame. Ridiculously handsome and makes everyone jealous.
  8. Only entertainment today was me. Admit it.
  9. How can you go an entire game of football with one chance? Something not right about that.
  10. Ask Giroud.
  11. Worse than Delgaldo
  12. Pelle = Joke
  13. Tadic, ffs, idiot, moron, idiot.
  14. So that's fair. Have a view, doesn't agree with an admin and you get threatened. Nice forum.
  15. Hold on one second, I'm having my view. Along with others. Just because it doesn't sit "right" with you doesn't mean i'm a knob. I've reported this for offensive language towards me.
  16. What? I AM NOT GLASGOW!
  17. Why is everyone calling me Glasgow?!?!?! Can't have a view on things without being called "Glasgow". Is this some internet slang im unaware of.
  18. Clynes head is in Manchester. Clearly
  19. Worst performance since last week.
  20. Bye Bye Morgan and co. Relegation next year.
  21. Poor side, were always flattering to deceive.
  22. Joke team. Looking at relegation here
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