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Everything posted by saintsladthrough

  1. They changed domains to sportsmania.eu and i found this thread http://sportsmania.eu/showthread.php?1606-You-Won-t-Be-Able-To-Access-The-Site-Via-SportsNationhd-tv-from-next-week
  2. Especially when the admin checks this site, i'd be very careful as in the chat they said that if the rules were broken and the account got banned they couldnt unban it
  3. they are back now, i just checked my twitter and they are,
  4. I just spoke to the admin there on twitter and he said the host was doing maintenance on the server without even telling him and that he went absolutely nuts lol, Said they be back at the latest tomorrow morning
  5. How was sportsnation today as i went to the game great atmosphere really enjoyed, yeah the win helped as well lol
  6. Sports Nation have released a XBMC addon as well ive only used it once and it was really good with awesome quality that pi thing ur talking about i looked on maplin website but cant seem to find it do u have a link?
  7. Was also perfect on sports nation on my iphone and my XBMC app i love this new addon they have got, i didnt see the stream on the site as i was out and had my iphone with me.
  8. watching it on Sportsnationhd too cellone there new node system is amazing, streams been flawless all night hasnt even lagged once,
  9. id rather us concentrate on the prem myself europa league place if we can keep it up,
  10. It lagged for me twice on sports nation then it was fine i had 2 browsers running one for sports nation and one for saintsfcstreams.com and both were fine for me, What a result lads, thats what u call a hammering
  11. Thats cause the stream isnt loaded yet lol everyone asks that ask in the chat there hes there to help
  12. Sorry wrong person hehe
  13. Totally agree!
  14. I was talking to that admin willow from sportsnationhd lol looks like the Spurs game is going to be in HD on sunday, Im not fussed if its not as the quality is close enough to HD as you can get anyway
  15. Firstly i havent asked u for advice anyway never have and wont be either! Secondly dont speak to me like that i dont care how long you have been in streaming for i didnt have a go at u so dont do the same to me ok simple!Insult u, how is saying dont be so negative an insult it was a statement, have u seen the streams on there, Its simple u dont talk to me and i dont talk to u, Just dont speak to me like im a kid i dont really give a damn about ur experience pal, this thread is to help people thats all, boy someones missed there coffee this morning, From what i have learned, well ITS A STREAMING site there not exactly legal are they so no the owner most probably doesnt want to get tracked! Dont worry i wont be replying to u again so u dont reply to me and i wont reply to u! End of!
  16. steer well clear?? ive just gone on to the site and someone asked on the chat about the problem im guessing it was Saxon, actually yes it was, and they fixed it for saxon, so just cause theres no confirmation email u tell people to steer well clear, seems a bit harsh to me, looks the most basic easiest site ive seen around anyway, i see they have paid streams but also have a free one for the qpr game, dont be so negative!
  17. I went ahead and looked at that saintsfcstreams.com website and heres a screenshot of there current stream: Looks good to me, I've had it on about 20 minutes and hasn't stopped once.
  18. What a cool idea, I just did a scan of sportsnationhd.tv and that came back clean as well, i'll try a few more and let everyone know which is safe and which ones are not. I saw ur comment below and i find it fasinating im not very good at streaming, in fact i can barely press play lol but i like to learn new stuff so looking at it.
  19. Cool i'll check back there later when im home, The ryder cup stream isn't that good of quality if i'm honest but i'm on the the look out for a backup for Sportsnationhd.tv as thats my main site so looking for another one also so ill see if the stream improves with the ryder cup This site looks really cool they already have the game up ready for the stuffing we are going to hand to QPR Saturday!! Gonna try this out for sure! The sample looks a really good picture, i'll check it out and let everyone know,
  20. Thanks, just looked into it, only problem is the saints game against QPR isnt showing on there from what i can see anyway this saturday,
  21. For anyone using Sports Nation HD they have changed domains, its now Sportsnationhd.tv I thought id have to sign up again and stuff but you dont have to all you need to do is go to that address and do the usual login and password etc and the saints game is on channel 4 on this page if anyone needs it: http://sportsnationhd.tv/view.php?pg=streams just thought id let you know, i might sign up to the plp as well as a backup but really happy with sports nation right now, you get more than you pay for thats for sure but with plp i just hope i dont get the dreaded email of doom lol, what happens if you pay and they catch you do they refund you?
  22. Its always good to have a backup so would you be able to do this for me or if its too much trouble its fine, How much is it per month? As saintalan said it stutters a lot will it stutter if we use it with a proxy or vpn as i know vpn well some of them anyway kill the internet connection
  23. Saw in the forum someone had the same problem and the admin said it was cause the streams hadnt even started i guess u have to wait until they start,
  24. They update the schedule daily, trust me they show every game every week i don't think they would dare let us saints fans down especially when we take over the site on a Saturday lol theres more saints fans there than the rest imo. No you don't need to install any software at all although they do recommend that you use google chrome due to the updated flash player thats built into google chrome, i use chrome anyway so never bothers me, Ive seen the last 2 weeks every premier league game on a saturday works with iPads i tried saturday and it worked great and i spoke to the worker ttg and he said "all games are now compatible with iOS Devices" Thanks, well nothing to be said about saturday we were outstanding and battered the toon all over the park, hopefully we can keep it going and seeing lovren flop at liverpool is extra special as well lol, what u think? u think we can beat Swansea Saturday? Yeah they have apparently have many streamers from what im told, i like asking them questions hehe, but they seem easy going and helpful imo
  25. Sorry last image didnt work properly
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