Firstly i havent asked u for advice anyway never have and wont be either! Secondly dont speak to me like that i dont care how long you have been in streaming for i didnt have a go at u so dont do the same to me ok simple!Insult u, how is saying dont be so negative an insult it was a statement, have u seen the streams on there, Its simple u dont talk to me and i dont talk to u, Just dont speak to me like im a kid i dont really give a damn about ur experience pal, this thread is to help people thats all, boy someones missed there coffee this morning,
From what i have learned, well ITS A STREAMING site there not exactly legal are they so no the owner most probably doesnt want to get tracked! Dont worry i wont be replying to u again so u dont reply to me and i wont reply to u! End of!