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Everything posted by Chalkboy

  1. Possible Sotonian cyber attack? Jack Schitt? It's all a conspiracy!
  2. Lebowski
  3. Relieved to see it's not just me.
  4. Same with me. Takes an age to load. Just trying to reply now I was presented with a "trying to connect to server message". All other Tapatalk forums seem fine.
  5. Would he be man enough to drink from the poison chalice?
  6. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    At the time I was pleased that Redknapp didn't get the job, in fact I thought it was hilarious. The press and pundits seemed to be so against Hodgson for having the temerity to not be 'arry, that I felt sorry for him and really hoped he'd prove them wrong. But....when he failed to offer his resignation after the World Cup that was it for me. He should have gone then. I can only think that the FA kept him because they hadn't got anyone else. If they are going to stay English who will be his replacement? Neville?
  7. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    Domination.Domination. Dominating. Dominating. Means F all if you can't score Roy.
  8. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    Was a strange one for me. Henderson should have been hauled off.
  9. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    Seconds to go you'd think we'd pack the box and launch it, but no....strolling up the pitch.
  10. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    When is the last time England topped the group stages?
  11. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    For me the build up had been too slow and pedestrian. Passing for passing sake. Wales topping the group should tell the FA everything they need to know when it comes to Roy's contract renewal.
  12. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    A goal for Austria would just be brilliant now. Thanks for the entertainment Ronnie.
  13. It will be slumbering happily in his bank account.
  14. It's a tricky one for Les and the board. Consistent league improvement over the years, culminating in a 6th place finish makes it harder to appoint an "unknown" Pochesque manager who, let's face it, could seriously bomb. It's a gamble even with the attention to detail the club supposedly has in place. Perhaps it could be Pellegrini who they turn to, even if it goes against the club's philosophical instincts.
  15. Thing is, the club can keep tabs on every manager going, but they have to want to come here firstly, and also once the club meets them they might not be quite suitable. Garcia would have been my uninformed choice....after that I really haven't a clue.
  16. No surprise. I'd have been more shocked had he gone somewhere else. He's done his bit just like Clyne did, and just like Clyne I'll hopefully forget all about him.
  17. I share much of the same cynicism to be honest so I don't think you're overly cynical. There's just not much point having any heroes these days as they invariably disappoint, in the football world especially. Still, I'm the curious type who likes to know what's happened and how events came to pass. I like mysteries and would love to know the real story from behind the scenes
  18. When Ron joined he knew what the requirements and philosophy of the club were concerning the academy. After reading an article a couple of months after Ron joined (can't be arsed to find it at the moment) he was definitely involving the academy players in training. Something changed. My opinion which is probably wrong (), is that after his first season, gaining plenty of plaudits linking him with big jobs, Ron decided he was ready for the big time. A big club with big money. He suddenly had no time for the academy, why bother coaching them, they weren't going to get him where he wanted to be? He wanted ready made players to get results to boost his image, and his career. He started talking about money, how little Southampton spent, and "ambition". We hear that he blocked off the academy players from the first team, something that directly conflicts with the club philosophy. he publicly stated that they weren't good enough, again, something that would be frowned upon by the board and should have been kept behind closed doors. For me Ron knew he would be making a move just as soon as someone with the funds that he desired came along. At some point, probably last Summer, he figured he could do better than Southampton. Am I the only one that thought his body language had changed the first half of last season? He seemed unhappy and unsettled to me. None of what has happened is a surprise when I look back at the season. His ambitions were not in line with the way this club is run.
  19. What a smarmy piece of **** he is. I hope, whatever money is thrown at our players the board say "F OFF!"
  20. What a terribly written article. It has the makings of a good story but it seems he couldn't be bothered to stitch it all together properly. Confusing.
  21. Did he have a Southampton map in his hands?
  22. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    I think he'd have to be injured for Roy to drop him.
  23. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    Roy is a genius now!
  24. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    Who'd have thunk it? I would have built the team and tactics around him.
  25. Chalkboy

    Euro 2016

    Nooo.....we need MILNER!
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