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  1. Good how Mane so far stays on his feet more this season.
  2. Romeu looks decent and I like seeing JWP in defensive midfield. He passes sideways and back too much for a creative midfielder. Second that Tadic seems most effective on the left. I'd rather see Wanyama play with the reserves until his contract ends than sell him. Cedric isn't attacking with confidence. Second half we just need to make sure we don't concede too many free kicks as that and a Yoshida mistake are the only way Norwich will score. We also need to be careful not to get the ref to even things up with a red to us.
  3. Playing with the ball on the ground at last!
  4. La_Saint


    We got into Europe and sold 2 of our first 11. That was a decision the club made. Clyne still had one season and Morgan had a new contract. The 3 we lost were more than good players on the pitch. They led the team on and off the pitch. We lost our best defender because we were being cheap and wanted to leverage a clause. At the time I felt we should pay Atletico the higher price he was worth, after a good season in the EPL. Spurs wouldn't have been able to show up and snoop if we bought him when the season ended. We have lost the character that got us where we are. These players don't have the will to win and team spirit togetherness.
  5. La_Saint


    We are now a long ball team. So we need bigger players!
  6. I live in LA and watch games around this area. The best place nearby is The Village Idiot on Melrose.. Alternatively, the bars that are always packed for football are the Fox and Hounds in Studio City, Lucky Baldwins in Pasadena and The Kings Head in Santa Monica. At the moment the issue is no U.S. TV channels have picked up the game for Europa qualifying games. The place to look is livesoccertv.com. Unless the game gets broadcast on a U.S. Channel none of these bars/pubs will show the game. If they do show it, you will most likely need to ask the bar to put it on that channel. Typically the bars are setup to have crowds for the big 6 EPL teams and everyone else is irrelevant. If it's an evening game in England it will be a lunch time game in LA. This is good because all places that show football will be open for lunchtime and normally will be happy to switch the channel for live game. LA Saint
  7. For this not interested in reading more, the two main bullet points worth noting are: The ACL graft at 6 months is 50% of normal breaking strength, at 8 months 80% of normal breaking strength. Return to sport may be initiated at 4-6 months but full contact sport not until 9-12 months.
  8. I mentioned the JRod video to my personal trainer, who works on ACL recovery, and he thinks at this stage his ACL is still basically mush. Training will be about supporting the muscles around the ACL. He said that although he will feel strong, the ACL itself is not representative of how he will look and feel. Recovery time to having a strong ACL just takes time and the body mechanics that do not test the ACL will be conditioned. it's not like an injury where a bone is measurably "healed" I.e. Beckham metatarsal using a bone healer to speed recovery. Below explains the recovery stages: http://www.willisstreetphysiotherapy.co.nz/rehabilitation-following-acl.html
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