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Everything posted by Aussie_Chef

  1. Noticed this too.. Someone tweeted "welcome to the saintsfc to tadir" in french and he retweeted it.. One case of many tgat user has done.. 30k followers and only following 35 people including old teammates and even a Belhanda fan club suggests its him.. Or a very very very sad lonely person.. Apparently wants oyt of Ukraine due to thele current state of affairs over there and wants PL..
  2. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/06082014-201415-squad-numbers-1807762.aspx
  3. Here are the 2014/15 Squad Numbers thus far..
  4. This is a transfer rumour thread.. That is an article containing transfer rumours.. Therefore i placed it in the transfer rumours thread..
  5. http://www.sportinastorm.com/mobile//Premier-League/Southampton/Saints-chasing-City-trio/X1Y72Z1783561 Chasing 3 fringe players from city for 18mill..
  6. He has been following Clasie since before we hired him..
  7. Who cares if hes a ****, if he cant put the ball in the back of the net then sign him up.. Adam was a nice level headed guy.. Luke was a very level headed guy.. Nice guys, so 90's..
  8. Throwing an option out there.. Jean-Paul Boetius.. Winger from Feyenoord.. Has played an International and is a young future star.. 20yr old Winger, 3rd most assists in the Erevidise last year, played under Koeman, Watch this space.
  9. Me neither, and im not from Southampton so i couldnt recognise the surroundings.. Ha.
  10. You idiots are frying my membrane.. This forum is slowly becoming more and more plucked up..
  12. I totally agree to be honest ! People seem to struggle to get it in their self indulgent minds that this is someones career and their future, how stupid do those of you feel who would want to hold him back from a financially amazing opportunity? its life!! life is business no matter what way you look at it, if i held you back from rising up the financial food chain at another business, to help setup you own and your families lives, simply because im so self indulgent that i couldnt share u with anyone, id feel like a *****. And stupid. And selfish. He has done more than enough for this club and for us supporters, so GET OVER IT, let go, stop looking for someone to go out of their way to do whats best for you when you cant do the same in return to them! He will be replaced, someone else will step up, time to pull the poster down of Adam and put his fulfillers poster up on the wall. Dont compare them either as most of u halfwits will, everyone is different, and they will give u another roundabout of emotions to go thru and so will the one after that. So thanks Adam for the memories, and all the best in ur future ( apart from against us saints!)
  13. We wouldnt be buying players of that price range without selling shaw abnd lallana..
  14. Anybody have any info on our interest with AXEL WITSEL? or just twitter troll trash talkin?
  15. Supposedly making his decision today or tomorrow bw us and sevilla, being in Australia and not aware of when news drops on weekends over there or not? Excited about this lad!
  16. Hey boys first post here, from Australia, happy with any of the NON english based nanes mentioned to take the role as they are either has beens or just lack PL quality experience.. was just curious to see if anyone would deem it a chance that we could use tge supposed £2million release fee for MoPo to pay Mainz to unlock the clause for Tommy Tuchel?? Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
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