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Everything posted by WellingtonSaint

  1. Touched a Saints fan in NZ, so sorry Noodles and RIP Elijah.
  2. Bugger
  3. GTFI Again!!!!!!!
  4. "Merge like a zip". Simple in theory, impossible in practice, especially in my neck of the woods.
  5. Where are you based SiP?
  6. Dippers slowing the game down. Any cards for 'em?
  7. Like u said, Chch is a small city, but then most of NZ is made up of 'small cities' - Auckland may be the same land size as Greater London but it only has a fraction of the pop... My own home sits in a 'burb of Porirua, "North City", pop 56k. City. 56k. We're a titchy country on the arse end of the globe (according to the nothern hemisphere) and these things aren't supposed to happen here. Having been here for 12 years, still wouldn't swap it for Andover, tho. And I rather liked Andover...and Calne, and Swindon and Marlborough
  8. Detonated as a precaution, but probably just backpackers who left their kit unattended.
  9. Worst mass shooting here since Aramoana, 29 years ago. Guns are relatively available, with a licence, but usually for hunting, so rifles more than handguns...
  10. It's not supposed to happen here. Not that it should happen anywhere.
  11. Ready in NZ...COYS!!!!
  12. No, PLP's three years of broadcast rights ended with last season and I don't think the experiment was successful enough for them to bid again with the increased cost. Sky NZ are going to be piggybacking BeIN Sports from the Middle East on dedicated "pop-up" channels, not that it's going to be of any use to you chaps back home...
  13. http://m.bbc.com/sport/football/36983793 Not really transfer news, and a shame for the player, but for the shirt-number-innovators par exellance.... Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
  14. Moved from Andover to Wellington just over 8 years ago. PM if you have any specific questions about this part of the country, but as others have said, NZ is a bit more laid back than the UK, great place for the kids, but football is a poor cousin to rugby in terms of coverage, although it is getting more popular with the youngsters. As an example, last night's news spent 20+ mins waiting and then discussing the AB world cup squad, but made no mention of any of Saturday's prem league games even with Liverpool and Chelsea results... And you have to get up at 2, 3 or 4am to watch Saints' live games
  15. Even getting some notice in lil ol' NZ http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/football/10731265/EPL-in-review-Pressure-builds-on-Pellegrini
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