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Lorne Malvo

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Everything posted by Lorne Malvo

  1. Thought Sherwood done ok at Spurs, not sure why the bad rap. Will be interesting to see how he does at Villa, they can't afford any slip ups really.
  2. hmm bit drunk last night...found a clip of an aussie bird 'sorting' herself out though on my desktop..luckily I was first on the PC :/
  3. Ok, at an age where im settled with job, house, partner etc....but Is it me, or am I the only one every now and again who stays up late one night and collect a load of desperate womens vids/photos from random websites after chatting to them for about..10 or 15mins? It seems too easy, and wish this **** had been around when I was younger. Literally tons of slappers about. I don't do it because I am needing to see some of this filth, Just find it quite amusing seeing what weird things you can see. even had some lasses webcam from Canada show me her boobies last night. Was a bit epic that in the challenge.
  4. Adios mother****kkkkkkkkkkkker
  5. Helpful seeing as he is flogging the club.
  6. make sure no Utd players about.
  7. Sounds like the usual skank looking for her 5 mins of fame..probably will have her own reality tv show soon enough. Thats how it works these days.
  8. Certainly appeared that way v QPR...so much space for them to run into as they were trying to stop Pelle from playing.
  9. Put it last on the slip it can make quite a difference. Doesn't work with online stuff though.
  10. Even Elia was stunned it didnt go in lol
  11. Thanks mate
  12. Taarabt had a 5 min spell in the first half on how to do that, luckily for us he was too unfit to do it for more than that.
  13. So a mix of Mane and Pelle ....
  14. Gets better more times I see it, and love the reactions of Barton and Austin. Anyway...anyone got a clip of it I can use on the interwebz?
  15. If it is anything like my missus, the headache will be ok in the morning so should be good for Weds.
  16. Liverpool will spawn a late win,, probably Sturridge so the media can cream all over it.
  17. 16 goals in 24 games this season
  18. http://www.footytube.com/video/queens-park-rangers-southampton-feb07-333307?ref=lchan_vidgrid goal ^^
  19. Both engines failed apparently.
  20. Kat would make a good keeper.
  21. more like his arse.
  22. Hope he has a better attitude than them three for starters..
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