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  1. We're a team that heavily relies on our fallbacks to produced a devivery and beat their man. Valery and Targett just are not up to it at the moment. A true weakness.
  2. JakkoUK


    Haha haha funny.
  3. Difference is they can pass, we can’t. But VAR ruled it offside anyway.. tighter than a nuns..
  4. The better team won today, no doubt about that. They were far more composed and better with the ball than us. Anderson, Rice and Cresswell being the stand out players for them. I think Valery and Targett definitely showed their inexperience today and West-ham exploited that perfectly. There was a clear foul in the box on Bednarek leading to their counter attack from our corner, but that shouldn’t be an excuse for the way we were set up to defend that. It was poor. The refereeing was awful today though, the clear penalty and then those awful tackles on Romeu from Carrol just seconds of him coming onto the pitch. Both worthy of yellows with the second even maybe a straight red. Then again our goal was a hand ball? We looked like we missed PEH today, his forward passing and distribution just wasn’t replaced by Lemina who I thought was very poor today. He looked like he needed game time, as he just didn’t catch up with the game. Bad decision making, poor passing and composure. At times he just held onto the ball too long. Best highlights for us was Ings looking bright (questionable substitution). Stuart Armstrong with some decent efforts and movement on the ball and then Vestergaard looking solid.
  5. We love conceding a **** goal just before half time don’t we? Just pathetic really. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Signed. Let's get this done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Not handball, was right at him.. nothing he could do. I'm desperate for a goal, but not that desperate.
  8. There are very few examples of where wolves have attacked humans. There is actually a much higher chance of domestic dogs attacking humans than their wild ancestors. Wolves like most wild animals would only attack humans if under threat, with young and if they were starving (that being highly unlikely with the overpopulated deer populations in the U.K.).
  9. Well projects such as reintroducing wolves are very much in there early stages. If they were to be reintroduced it would be managed a great deal, and the selected area for their reintroduction would more than likely be in the Scottish highlands where enough land is available; enough biomass to support a pack of wolves and in an area that is very much rural and away from high density human populated areas. Although conflicts are bound to arise with farmers and their livestock. But your concerns are very much the type of thing that the questionnaire is asking for, so your contribution would be very much appreciated as others would obviously have the same concerns for their health and safety.
  10. I know this is off-topic, but is a topic very much on the agenda these days. Wolves and other apex predators such as the lynx used to roam the UK in large numbers in the past. However, due to human persecution they are no more. Today we look to change this and re-introduce forgone species through what is known as re-wilding. If you could take one minute of your time by clicking the link below and filling out a very short and easy questionnaire it would help a great deal to a friend of mine who is looking into the public perceptions of the UK on the feasibility of a possible wolf reintroduction programme as part of his final year dissertation. This study will help enormously in understanding the publics perceptions on a relatively controversial proposal. https://rau.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/canis-lupus-lupus-habitat-requirements-a-study-into-the-f
  11. Loverly goal that! Enjoying our attacking play with Gabbi in the side, just the defence that scares me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. That was a bit too easy Saints, come on... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Not fair at all. Man U did not deserve it one ****ing bit. Saints fans will remember this as the day that we won football, not Manchester. We did ourselves ****ing proud, couldn't of asked for more. Proud, really proud. That's football for you. Yes the one who lifts the cup counts.. but we should have no regrets. We played our hearts out, and the football world who watched that game knows that. Did ourselves proud as ****, Saints fans will remember that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Bet those that are moaning now would have moaned if we had missed out on this signing to another club, literally no winning with some of you. Start being more positive, negativity isn't good for the health. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Think he saw this thread and realised he wasn't important enough, as it hasn't reached enough page numbers to satisfy a player of his caliber.
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