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real saint

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Everything posted by real saint

  1. good read cheers better than most **** on here
  2. has he gone then or is it all hear say and pant ****tng at moment
  3. no doubt he is an improvement solid so far
  4. possible stream tonight by the looks of it
  5. are you Townsend in disguise
  6. are you Townsend in disguise
  7. i did wonder this
  8. Keep up the good work MLT
  9. i find your info pretty interesting to be honest true or not something different to read apart from the normal slagging off of people some people here just crazy hanging on to every last word of what someones saying
  10. thanks for the info MLT
  11. exactly i have a feeling this is just all to do with Osvaldo's deal we need a bit of depth why not take him for this season no good no loss to us really
  12. yep we have come a long way if you look at it but people judging before hes kicked a ball here its pathetic and they call themselves fans support the team FFS gonna be hard enough as it is
  13. lets hope so
  14. yep that name seems to be gathering bit of pace
  15. All Season Tickets were printed out and sent out in age category so where hers is a child’s Season Ticket it should arrive within the next week or so as all Season Tickets have now been printed. If you have not received her Season Ticket about a week before the season starts then please contact us on 02380 711 951 and we will be able to reprint it for you. message from the club
  16. me too Simo got mine, waiting for my daughters bit weird seen as we live at same address lol
  17. *applauds* spot on
  18. thanks for update
  19. superb thanks KB
  20. Certainly gathering pace
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