Here's a blast from the past.... is anyone still on Saintsweb who attended the launch of Saintsweb at Soton Uni in 1996. Present were, Andy Steggal, Matty Le Tiss and a number of Saintsweb founders from the original internet supporter's entity, the Saints Mailing List. That was started by Iain Barclay, and nobly adopted by Dave Currie when Iain's server crashed, and the very first (or second or more) person to sign up to that list, after Iain, was George Lennan... anyone remember him?
"George Lennan? Now, that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time."
"I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead."
"Oh, he's not dead. Not yet."
"You know him?"
"Well, of course I know him. He's me."
yes its me!! I am that ghost of teh 1990s George Lennan ) Lived in Bordeaux for many years now, oh since before you were born... etc etc.... and haven't been active on saints forums for many a year, though always been lurking, here and at the Ugly. Thing is, pseudos don't let you see who's about from when we all used our real names.... so...
come on, out of the closet all you mail listers... who's still here after all these years? It would be great to hear from you!