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Everything posted by Bordeaux

  1. If its Titchmarsh you want it's Titchmarsh you're gonna get
  2. Apparently not. Always dubious to make a referential comment without the link, but to start a thread without one should be deprecated in the guidelines, at the very least. Thanks for pointing it out )
  3. Apparently not. Always dubious to make a referential comment without the link, but to start a thread without one should be deprecated in the guidelines, at the very least. Thanks for pointing it out )
  4. No contradiction. The idiots at other clubs will think it's ace, just like the idiots swallowing it here (demographic A, to whom it will appeal) and anyone with an IQ over 11 (demographic B, those who will mock it) will think it is hilarious. It is worth pointing out the stellar costs of motivational consultants. Some people (those who think it's ace, again) probably need a heads-up on the kind of money the club will have spent on this garbage.
  5. His name is Krüger, with an umlaut. When umlauts are not available on your keyboard you have the choice of replacing the ü with "ue" or "u" — both are acceptable, and generally depend on the in-house style sheet of a publisher. The Frankfürter Algemeine Zeitung style sheet recommends "ue." The Chicago Manual of Style (which I use for work) recommends "u," because in English we don't distinguish between the "ü" and "u" sounds made in German. The ü is made by pursing your lips as if to whistle, and saying the "ee" sound behind your lips (try it!), the "u" is more like the sound we make when we say "You." I have a French keyboard, so I can make a "ü" by tapping the umlaut before the u, but I obeyed acceptable rules for speed because I was writing in a gigantic strop. Anyway you look at it, I didn't get his name wrong. Nothing pseudo about me pal, and even if spelling were the issue here (it's not, this dreadful video is) don't go there again, cos I'll tear you a new one.
  6. You have GOT to be KIDDING. This is the kind of unmitigated sh|t put out by 'motivational' 'consultants' (who probably got paid in the thousands per hour - check it out) to appeal to lowest common denominator plebian sentiments, swallowed whole by uneducated ***ts easily impressed by vacuous meaning-free words (and who will therefore probably vote Labour in 2015 even though they'll screw themselves along with the country by doing it), and all to a toe-curling, clattering, tinkling, bass-free 'music' track played on an eighties synthesizer by an eight-year old who's learned three chords in a pentatonic scale, which to anyone who knows feck all about music but just "feels" that E, C and D arpeggios played in a loop with a bit of reverb sounds 'inspirational'. The most embarrassing thing I have seen all year, including England's world cup performance. Please god it disappears without trace and no other clubs' fans get to see it. We'll be the laughing stock. Got Kruger written all over it.
  7. Neither Le Tiss nor Mick Channon are "signings," though without doubt the club's all time two greatest heroes. That bloke who can't grow a proper beard, whose name escapes me, could have been the third member of a trinity untouchable in South coast lore, but appeared not to understand that. More fool him. As for signings proper, Lambert is up there, but nothing NOTH-ING can compare with that day in 1980 when I came home from school and saw John Craven's Newsround announcing that Hamburg SV star Kevin Keegan had "signed for first division... Southampton." It was the coup of the (20th) century, never equalled before or since. There was a similar frisson in 94 when Spurs got Klinsmann, but in hindsight that looks so Meh... Keegan to Saints was an earthquake. And what a team LM built around him! Happy days. Who knows... mebbes Van Persie before the transfer window closes?
  8. Bordeaux

    Shaw watch

    No, this is different — it's called the "Wonga"
  9. Bordeaux


    Neither ex-saint will start. Lambert in particular will almost certainly never start a prem game again. May never play in the prem again for that matter.
  10. OO or OOH - but that sounds a bit "ooh la la" anyway
  11. God's sake man we don't have Morgan or Lovren. This is the heart of the problem - if we had those two things would be looking fien, but we don't - so things are looking very flakey indeed.
  12. The measure of how bad All-anal Adam's behaviour has been is given by the counter-example of Lambert and Shaw's exemplary conduct.
  13. The only thing coming from Adam's mouth is Stevie G's spong
  14. Don't forget Morgan wants out too, and he'll be a hot product after last night.
  15. Oh yeah? Well what about THIS http://www.turkish-football.com/news_read.php?id=6005
  16. 1. It beggars belief that people would like to see the "top four" p*ss off and form a Europa league with Bayern, Réal etc. Do you really think we could break into that? Do you really think you'd even ever see Southampton on telly again? Get a f***ing grip! 2. Man City do not have an international fan base. Ten years ago they were in the third tier. As soon as FFP falls by the wayside, all clubs with any history at all will become the "play things of billionaires," and Saints are up there with Everton, Newcastle, Spurs - and also Wolves, Burnley and... I don't know... Accrington Stanly in that regard - wait and see! But only if we keep national leagues 3. Finally, where after the Europa league? The World league? New York Utd and Tokyo Dons breaking away to form their own version of the Scottish Premier League where they play each other thirty-two times a season, with every single human being on earth taking a side and buying the merchandise? Ffs
  17. A gentleman's bell end as Rickie Lambert and a lady's front arse as Ralph Kruger.
  18. One thing the article gets indisputably bang on: The Southampton board this week spoke of acting swiftly to replace Pochettino with a top-notch manager, but until they do so there appears little the club can do to stem this PR disaster.
  19. A quote I like to drag out on occasions like this - from Nick Hornby's Fever Pitch, published in 1992: "The following Saturday we were playing Second Division Sunderland in the FA Cup semi-final, and we lost that too. The two defeats prompted Bertie Mee to break the whole team up, but he never got a new one together again, and three years later he was gone." Read it again! As recently as 1992, a writer found it remarkable that a manager got sacked "only" three years after failing! Make of that what you will!
  20. That statement is pure, unadulterated americano-politico corporate bullsh!t. Seen it a million times before, will see it a million times again. It means the exact opposite of what it says. It means finance before football. There's no shame in that, but there's every shame bull****ting to us about it.
  21. He was nattering about it just now on the main French News, and he was categoric that it's 23 firm choices plus 7 reserves, not a pot of 30 to select from. The seven will be training until 28th May, and will only replace drop-outs — Morgan won't be able to play his way in, it seems.
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