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Everything posted by Goatboy

  1. SG is neither of those.
  2. I put the lid down this morning. Think I should have done it afterwards.
  3. Goatboy


    My lips are swelling up just reading this thread.
  4. mmmmm...maybe the violence follows you around SG. Did you have a little ceremony when you 'denounced the crown'?
  5. Sister site opened back up a few weeks ago.
  6. He's English.
  7. sportsnationhd for live streams
  8. Sack your maid. Why would she iron dirty kit?
  9. It looks like a granny annexe, servants quarters or a shed.
  10. Cop gets black eye and small cut. Teenager gets shot 7 times at point blank range. Saint George is happy he only has to wait 5 minutes when he calls a cop. If I was you mate I'd be hoping they don't turn up at all.
  11. After a ticket for this if anyone has one spare?
  12. Did you move to America to escape all this senseless violence?
  13. You can come back now SG. You'll fit right in.
  14. Saintsweb moderator.
  15. Good job they pixelated the 'F**K OFF PLEBS' on his baseball cap then.
  16. His massive, sunburnt melon head is all over the back page of today's Sun.
  17. A cell then basically.
  18. Meaning is fluid and elusive. English is sick like that.
  19. Now I'm really sad that we've lost such a fine upstanding Englishman:(
  20. What next? Lessons in business ethics from Sepp Blatter? Sex therapy with Rose West?
  21. Which we could clear by selling 2-3 players if needs be.
  22. Piers Morgan is hated here too. See how much we have in common.
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