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Everything posted by Goatboy

  1. Pellegrino is a lad , he's got a massive penis If he gets us Champions League we'll give him The Malvinas.
  2. You forgot Romeu and you are quite clearly an imbecile but thanks for all the effort.
  3. I wouldn't pay much attention to anyone wearing a load of bum grapes around her neck.
  4. cackhares
  5. Goatboy

    Les Reed

    Another quality Glasgow_Saint thread. Bellendery.
  6. I've still got those shoes.
  7. What does he think of you?
  8. Really? How did he manage that then?
  9. He's just a carved wooden bookend in the shape of a woodpecker.
  10. What about Professors Green and Griff?
  11. She looks quite innocent.
  12. oops
  13. one of these too:
  14. Merson has a job tying his shoelaces.
  15. Nice! Congrats Monk.
  16. Goatboy


    Some top bellendery on this thread. Looks like he's buffering most of the time but always puts a shift in and is more Saints 'through and through' than a lot of the melts on here.
  17. The full beauty of British politics. Enjoy.
  18. :lol:I'm with Turks. You can stick your f*cking kiddy video games up your stat ridden arses too!
  19. He's out of contract in the summer. They'll be lucky to get 5 million for him.
  20. Do shut up you f**king massive trolling dull bellend.
  21. Not sure why there is such a love in with Sakho. He's awful, clumsy, poor with the ball at his feet and failed a drugs test. Never in a million years worth £20million.
  22. Not sure this has been posted over here. Courtesy of SuperMikey on sotonians: https://blogs.mediapart.fr/edition/les-invites-de-mediapart/article/040216/yanis-varoufakis-manifesto-democratising-europe
  23. Yep. Fake. soz.
  24. According to sky we have.
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