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Everything posted by DanT

  1. Wednesday 7:50 BA Heathrow to Malpensa, Friday 21:55 BA Malpensa to Heathrow
  2. Ive got 2 customer numbers available for someone to use if needed...
  3. Cheers for that !
  4. will be in london all day so able to pick it up whenever if its still available. my email is danielthomas4@live.co.uk
  5. interested mate
  6. Ive got tickets for myself, its just one extra for a family member who only found out a few days ago that hes got the evening off work
  7. I'm also looking for one extra ticket to this game if anyone can help. Thanks
  8. If anyone has got a spare I'll pay face price plus a pint. Danielthomas4@live.co.UK thanks guys
  9. Has anyone got one spare please?
  10. block 40 y
  11. Was a great day, locals friendly and plenty of beers drunk
  12. I'm in korenmarkt enjoying a nice cold beer
  13. Leaving tomorrow morning via the tunnel, there seems to be big delays again today! Hoping for a smooth crossing tomorrow
  14. When is everyone going to arrive in Arnhem?. We are getting there Wednesday afternoon, anyone else about Wednesday afternoon/evening?
  15. Great show from the vitesse fans around town before the match. Made a little video
  16. One more hour of work then the fun begins
  17. Think they are playing at the alex before the match from 6pm lol
  18. Ill be in Arnhem Wednesday and Thursday without a ticket, if there are any kind people out there with some spares on the day that would be great!..
  19. mine added to my season ticket card which hasn't arrived yet, sure it will be fine
  20. ordered mine via the website for postal delivery, found out yesterday that tickets are being posted out today or tomorrow
  21. Ticket office are normally pretty quick at sending these out but i haven't received anything yet.
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