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Everything posted by TwoPints

  1. I'm not sure I have a Sabbath although a day of rest would be nice.
  2. Which is odd as I've explained why I didn't reply. I'm happy to reply if it would put your mind at rest but you'll have to wait for that as I'm off to work now.
  3. So you do want me to reply to your post that didn't ask for a reply then? It's clearly bothering you.
  4. Well, that's what you would of got and I assumed you wouldn't agree so didn't bother. Glad I don't need to bother. Happy Easter.
  5. So, do you still want me to reply to that post of yours that didn't ask for a reply? Happy to do so but you won't like the response and I'm not sure it'll add much to the topic of the thread. But if it would make you happy I'll do it just for you.
  6. Look at you getting all precious about me not replying to your post. I can't actually find one that required a reply to be fair. The last one from you was just some confused rambling that didn't need a response. As for sulking that you haven't had a response, you might recall that you still haven't answered the last question I put to you about which parts of SMs posts you found 'extreme'. It's a two way street mate, you can't complain about a lack of response if you don't respond yourself.
  7. Ooh, an accidental compliment. Thanks. As for 'being good at it'. It's a ****ing football forum, not a GSCE in talking ********. I just come on here, say what I think and if people think I'm a **** then I'm OK with that. As for swearing being due to a lack of vocab, not sure who you think I am but I couldn't give a flying **** whether you swear or not. I don't look down on people who swear and don't look up to people that don't. In the whole scheme of things, what people say on here is of very little importance to anything.
  8. Ummm... You didn't swear! Just told me I wasn't smart enough. You OK?
  9. Really. You know when you're struggling when you resort to personal insults. Sonny... Lol ... If only you knew.
  10. Yes, yes you should for more reasons than you think you should.
  11. Jeez. If it's not spelt out in big letters for you, you just can't see it can you. It seems to be a trait of yours. Unless someone says "I don't understand that all religions are capable of breeding extremism" then to you, they're not saying it. Bizarre.
  12. Do you have a problem with reading? Let me explain.., Hypo asked me to find a post justifying what I had said and if I couldn't then I should apologise. I found one, which just happened to be yours. I'm therefore not asking him to apologise for something you said but to apologise for accusing me of claiming that no one had suggested what I had said they had said. Simples.
  13. But just to make it blatantly clear, it's Hypo that should be apologising and no doubt he will feel obliged to do so soon having demanded one himself if I couldn't provide him with the information he requested.
  14. I'm not going to repeat the last load of posts. It's all there if you want to read it.
  15. How about this one? I await your apology.
  16. I don't protect anyone which supports homophobia, racism or sexism but to suggest that the Koran is alone in that is naive in the extreme. The Bible has plenty of examples of homophobia and sexism and the barriers around this are still being argued within churches now. Quite what that has to do with the subject matter of the thread though, I don't know.
  17. Exactly where has that been said Whelk? I read some of your earlier posts on this thread and they made sense but your latest posts seem like the ramblings of a confused man. I'm happy to criticise those that need criticising but there are many people on here who seemingly blame Muslims ad nauseum for anything and the references to other atrocities are attempts to show that it's not just extremist Muslims that are capable of such things, extremists of all religions are capable of horrific deeds. I'm not sure why you and Hypo have trouble understanding that. No one's 'having a go' at Christianity or Judaism but merely making the point to those that struggle to understand, that there are extremists is all religions to give some perspective.
  18. The reason it doesn't seem so is merely because ISIS don't have the resources in Europe to do so. If they had, then that would clearly be their aim. It's been their aim in the middle east for some time where many thousands of Muslims have been killed because they're Shia rather than Sunni Muslims: https://www.yahoo.com/politics/u-s-weighs-genocide-label-1298023405674550.html Many many more Muslims have been killed by ISIS that non-Muslims hence the reason we see people desperate to escape their grasp. The sooner ISIS is destroyed the sooner these horrific actions will cease.
  19. I believe one of the aims of ISIS is indeed genocide, of all 'non-believers'. Their modus operandi might be different but their goal is not.
  20. Unfortunately your reservations were proved right.
  21. Do you live in some sort of make believe world where you imagine you answer everyone's questions and they don't answer yours? Must be a bit weird.
  22. Here we go again. Post #2293. Hark at the fella who doesn't answer anyone's questions complaining that no one answers his questions.
  23. I'm not sure I told you to broaden your mind did I? My comment was to SM. Not sure why you took offence to it. I'm sorry if you took offence to my having expressed the same views as others might have done previously, maybe they needed reiterating? Also not sure I've taken any superior moral high ground. Just saying it as I see it. If you happen to see those views as superior to others then fill your boots but they're not my words.
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