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Everything posted by TwoPints

  1. Unbelievable comments. Seems that your friends in London continue to use them even though they have a 'story'. There are plenty of stores about licensed cabbies too by the way.
  2. Well, that's competition and choice isn't it? If you want to pay a lower price and accept the service you get with it then that's fine. If not, you pay a higher price and get the service that gets you. By the sound of things, holepuncture will continue to use the higher priced option as I suspect many others would but it broadens choice in a similar way that budget airlines did.
  3. According to the BBC news, it is the UK that has blocked tariffs on Chinese steel, not the other way around. And if you think that the Tory government would jump at the chance of subsidising the UK steel industry to save a few jobs then you're very much mistaken.
  4. I don't know a lot about Uber but any competition has to be good doesn't it?
  5. Why won't you answer the question Sour? Is it because if you told us what would satisfy your definition of a backlash then you'd either come across as more foolish than you already do or that you would lose that line of argument that you can use to continue to spout your bigoted drivel? Can't think of any other reason that you wouldn't enlightened us with your thoughts.
  6. Not going to answer for the fourth time then.
  7. So Muslim groups around the world opposing the actions of ISIS doesn't meet your definition of 'a strong negative reaction by a large number of people'? That seems to be exactly what it is. As for Muslims fighting ISIS, neither you nor I know whether they're' moderates' or not but as they're fighting against ISIS and losing their lives by the thousand in an attempt to defeat them, I think it's safe to assume that they don't share the same ideals. You could probably describe their actions as a backlash? So, I'll ask again, what does meet your definition of a backlash? You've had plenty of examples handed to you but you don't seem to accept any of them, so I'll ask again, what do you expect to see? Maybe an example might be useful.
  8. For a man so insistent on getting answers to his questions, you're not too good at answering them are you. You've been asked twice what you expected in a 'backlash' that hasn't already been shown to you but you've so far not answered. Apart from thousands of Muslims fighting ISIS in the middle east, Muslim groups around the world condemning their actions, as well as the links to protests that you have already been shown, what exactly do you expect to see in your 'backlash'. I have a feeling that I know what your response will be but it would be nice if I was proved wrong and you were actually able to give a sensible answer.
  9. Just because you keep saying there wasn't a backlash doesn't make it true. There clearly was, you just don't want to see it.
  10. There clearly has been a backlash and certainly more of a backlash from Muslims than non Muslims. It's just that you can't be bothered to look for evidence that doesn't support your view. Worldwide condemnation by Muslim leaders across the globe is quite a backlash and there are many more Muslims fighting ISIS than non Muslims. Not sure what more you'd expect.
  11. I'm sorry, I've been driving through Belgium (honestly hypo) to Germany. I'll be back soon though. ?
  12. Yes but you're not allowed to compare atrocities by Heads of State on here as that has some other label that's not terrorism... Apparently.
  13. And on what basis have you made that calculation given that there were plenty of nazi sympathisers and supporters throughout Europe, including in the UK during the nazi rule of Germany and other countries? I would say it's very difficult to make such a claim with the information available.
  14. In the same way that the deeds and actions of the terrorists are pretty much the polar opposite of the teachings of Muhammad? Virtually anyone with even an iota of knowledge about Islam would agree that the terrorists actions were not those of a follower of Muhammed?
  15. If I didn't know you better I would think you were flirting with me.
  16. Don't get too excited whelk. I've read all the posts, not singled yours out. I was just surprised that you continue to talk about me when I haven't posted on here.
  17. I don't think we are to be fair, not with the likes of you, batman and sour mash about, we're onto anything but a winner.
  18. I'm not sure if I'm one of the apologists to whom you refer but I don't disagree with anything you've said here.
  19. To be honest whelk. You seem to be the only one that was appearing to be challenged by my posts. Once you get over your inferiority complex, people might take more notice of what you're saying but I doubt it to be honest as I haven't seen anything of any value written by you.
  20. Fair nuff. I'll take dinlow. I'm normally called a ****.
  21. Just like Fry. Where have I said that it's got nothing to do with Islam?
  22. 1. It's quite simple to evidence that Muslims aren't the only people to commit terrorist atrocities across the world. There's no trawling the four corners of the Internet involved. 2. Maybe you could direct me to my post where I have mentioned the second world war, or Mexican drug cartels. I think your imagination is running away with you. 3. Maybe you could point out where I have said that Christians are probably worse. 4. Where have I ever mentioned British soldiers never mind soldiers singing hymns? If you want to challenge what I've said Fry that's fine but make sure you know what you're talking about before you do so.
  23. Wow! Such flippant comments in response to the death of over 60 people in Pakistan. Unbelievable. What was your line again Fry? Oh Yea "Several thousand Muslims did not die so you could smug it up on a football forum. Beneath contempt.". It's ok when it's only several 10s of Muslims is it? Or is it because your outrage only applies to "genocide" and not terrorism?
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