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  1. I feel someone like potter needs time to get his methods and ideas across. I dont see him as being an immediate impact type of manager. Guus would grind results off the bat....just my opinion.
  2. Guss hHiddink till the end of the season with a 3m bonus for keeping us up. Then Graham potter as the new long term manager....job done and happy days.
  3. Wonder if there's a sell on fee if Arsenal sell him....and if so if it gives us an advantage over others wanting him.
  4. Great memories. Did a similar thing at The Dell in the early 90s. They had some construction at the ground with chain link fence at the archers end. My self and a few buddies slipped through the fence late one light after several drinks. We made our way to the pitch. I recall the goal posts were down and some drainage work was in progress...as luck would have it we founds a cheap plastic football at the side of the pitch. Nothing for it but jumpers and coats thrown on the ground as make shift goals and a quick game of 2 verses 2...The high light was a wonderful hat trick by yours truly....and a buddy running after a wayward ball only to tumble 5ft into a freshly dug, muddy drainage ditch.....good times!
  5. Depends what you call close:
  6. Oooo....just down the road from me!
  7. Griggsey....any comment?......anything?.......maybe something to do with the titles and spelling...?
  8. Muppet fail.....doh!
  9. Muppet fail....doh!
  10. What part of ohio are you from? Dayton here, although in paris this weekend. Thank you NBC sports extra and a VPN!
  11. Born and raised in southampton (lordswood). Now live in ohio USA and so don't have the chance to watch the games in person. Thank goodness for NBC
  12. Auto correct, believe it or not. Good to see another Ohioian on here
  13. What a great weekend! Saints win spurs loose united loose Liverpool loose !!!!!!!
  14. Thanks...but I don't see the game. What am I missing?
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