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Everything posted by wheels

  1. Don't Push it e/w @ 20-1 Black Apalchi e/w @14-1 Big fella thanls to win @ 10-1 :mad: Have also got Wodds to win Masters @9-2 Kim e/w (top 5) @35-1 Poulter e/w @ 33-1 Mickleson e/w @12-1 Oh, and Porstmuff relegated - what a good weekend :supz:
  2. If it seems too good to be true - it is!
  3. We started the season on -10pts. Without that penalty, we would now be in 6th place, 2 pts ahead of 7th with a game in hand.
  4. Please accept my apologies - 'twas early and I didn't spot your post 'til later - was just glad I hadn't fallen for it
  5. At least they tried :badgrin: http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2011346,00.html
  6. I think the overpowering smell of **** from the Ginge put the lads off
  7. wheels


    Nice one, have just phoned in to say I won't be in
  8. wheels


    Try telling that to the aeroplanes that are flying above the UK wishing to land at the UK's airports - if we don't get into work, they're fooked
  9. wheels


    Unfortunately, some of us will have no choice :mad:
  10. All inbreds stay seated
  11. "Opinions are like arseholes - everyone's got one!"
  12. It's so that the Scottish farmers don't have to milk their cows in the dark of an evening
  13. www.iraqgoals.net Simples
  14. wheels

    BBC Homepage

    It is set as my homepage and that's no problem. The problem appears to lie with the BBC site itslef. You can customise it to how you want it, but it keeps restting itself today for some reason
  15. wheels

    BBC Homepage

    Can anyone do me a favour please? The BBC homepage seems to have defaulted itself on my machine. Is it my machine or does the BBC have a problem? ie Options to customise the webpage don't work Thans
  16. Why would Lambert want a small horse?
  17. where where?
  18. I would take out the bit about the engineer and his experiences of Curry's customer services. It is hearsay and does nothing to strengthen your complaint.
  19. Rumour has it that we're chasing Craig McAllister from Exeter.
  20. Just tell her that you have bought her a surprise and that you need to be in on Monday to receive it. If you're lucky the delivery will arrive at 5 o'clock so you will have spent the day watching the Ashes. If you're not it will come at 8 o'clock and you'll still have to take her to Brighton :mad: Either way, by telling her she's got a surprise coming, you're onto a winner
  21. Norwich and Leeds for me. Norwich have just beaten a full strength Wigan side 3-2 and have made some shrewd signings over the summer and will be the team to beat IMHO
  22. I don't know the answer to that I'm afraid.
  23. £750k apparently
  24. I'm sorry to bring bad news but expect Mills to be off this week to Wolves. (source: A Saints Player)
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