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Everything posted by wheels

  1. where where?
  2. what have George Michael and the Chilean Miners got in common? They will all be out after 8 weeks of drilling
  3. Sven, it's Sven - we're dooooomed!
  4. Unless they cancel it!
  5. Or alternatively, by leaving these players out as a precaution in a meaningless friendly, we will have them fit for when the season starts. FFS, would you rather they were played today and aggravated their injuries??
  6. Or whoever we're playing against's (is that a word??) site
  7. Against Dorchester Town
  8. Amazing how their OS has updated match report yet ours (the brand new, apparently brilliant site where 70% of fans get their info from) still shows the score as 1-0 Reading :rolleyes:
  9. wheels

    CV Template

    Will try that thanks
  10. wheels

    CV Template

    Anybody able to help me please? Am looking for a promotion at work and the application process requires a cover letter and CV. Whilst I know what I want to put in them, It's been a long time since I filled in a CV (and I have never completed a cover letter ). Any kind soul have any suitable templates they can guide me towards (or PM me??) Thanks
  11. What an utterly shameful, gutless and pitiful display. It just goes to prove what a bunch of overpaid, moaning, pampered ******s they are. There was a time when representing your country was seen as the greatest honour – now it appears to be an inconvenience to the glitz and glamour these ****s would rather immerse themselves in. I am embarrassed to be an Englishman right now – they are utter ******s the lot of them. Here are my ratings: James 4 Our best player Cole 0 Exposed, time and time again Terry 0 Utterly useless, where was the passion ‘big man’? Stop stropping about losing the captaincy you **** Upson 0 As above, Up**** creek more like you ****!! Johnson 0 Where was the pace and crossing ability you think you have? Gerrard 1 You ****ing girl Lampard 1 You really are **** – go back to ****ing that awful Irish bint you *****. Milner 2 You look like a mong, and you played like one Barry 1 Words fail me – you’re the holding midfielder you ****-end, so why the **** are you losing it in their box? Rooney 0 You have been utterly useless all WC. I’m sure Sir Red face will be pleased though, as you will now be fit for the mank – you **** Defoe 1 ****ing ****e Heskey 0 Oh just **** off – you couldn’t score in a brothel Wright-Philips 0 As above J Cole 1 everybody clambered for you to play, why????
  12. Probably, and the cost...........£69:p
  13. I have e-mailed both Mr Luker and the club and asked them to make it clear on the OS, but to no avail :smt105
  14. I guess it's a sign of the times - just booked a flight with Flybe and their transaction fee is £8, regardless of what type of card you use to pay for the flight!! If you use a CC, they then add £2. I guess SFC are just getting in on the act. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone it (I think it sucks), but it's just another 'easy' way of making money. :mad:
  15. The official answer from Mr Luker is here: It's more cost effective to turn up on the day unless you are buying more than 1 ticket :smt105
  16. He's too one dimensional - he's got pace and that's it. Too often he just runs with his head down and his final ball is toilet.
  17. Well, it's even more bloody confusing than I first thought then - why do they never make it easy eh??
  18. Erm....No it won't. So, in your example, a pre-purchased ticket (vis telephone or online) will be £25 and the same ticket bought on the day will be £26 (£24+£2 surcharge) It still stinks though :smt105:smt072
  19. But they're hardly catering for those people who live outside Southampton here are they? They state that they wish to encourage pre-purchase of tickets, yet penalise those people who try to (unless they go to the ground before match day) :mad:
  20. wheels


    +1 Why??
  21. He qould be a quality signing IMO: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/n/norwich/8683875.stm
  22. They're not likely to get much public support - and people will start boycotting BA, which will lead to a further loss in profits and then job cuts. Still, I'm sure Unite have made this abundently clear to its members
  23. ******s - ****s the lot of 'em (and greedy ****s at that) :smt105
  24. Before now, I've attributed it to all the **** that's played on it - this year that excuse won't work :smt040
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