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  1. Looking forward to Steve Cooper coming in…😭
  2. My source has just told me he’s gone. I’m sure we’ll hear very soon.
  3. https://amp.majorcadailybulletin.com/news/local/2022/03/27/99193/mallorca-football-coach-robert-croll-talks-about-rma-mallorca.html It may not prove I know the guy, but it mentions he has a foster brother here. You’ll just just have to take my word for it! And yes, I have been a lapse forum user, always more of a lurker. Also I moved to Sweden about 5 years ago and don’t follow the team as actively as I did when living in London. Still love them though, even though they try my patience! Was just sharing what I’ve heard as I thought you guys might be interested
  4. I know this sounds like a “my brothers best friends uncles cousin says” but… My mate is Russell Martins foster brother, and he said it’s a done deal. Apparently the offer was too good to turn down. Having said that, he also said he had absolutely no interest in the Swansea job when they came in for him, then he changed his mind about 2 days later…
  5. Yeah I've been researching and had decided to just get one on the day. If you email me your details we can meet after we get off the plane in Genoa to share a taxi. edwardmjporter@gmail.com
  6. Yes mate, sounds like a plan. Have you pre-booked train tickets from Genoa, or are you just going to get one on the day?
  7. Flying out from Gatwick to Genoa early Thursday morning then train into Milan. Reverse trip the morning after. Booked all very last minute and surprisingly not too expensive, and I get the pleasure of flying BA instead of suffering budget airlines like I usually do. Couldn't be more excited!
  8. Also after 2 tickets(3 if possible) but not holding out much hope! They don't have to be together...just hoping...
  9. I'm still travelling home having managed to only catch the second half in a pub. This is because I was driving to the game when my car died, and I spent the following 5 hours in the cab of a tow truck on the way back home. I'm such a mix of delighted with the win, and devastated that I missed it.
  10. I have managed to rip it as I said in the other topic of a similar name, I just haven't work out how to share it on here. I've uploaded it to a file sharing site but I don't know if it's against the rules to post the link to it on here...
  11. I don't think I can PM if I'm not a full member, and I'm not sure on the rules regarding posting download links in a thread...anyone care to enlighten me?
  12. I have managed to rip this from a cache of the nbc website. So if anyone is interested I have an mp4 of it. It's over 1 gig in size though.
  13. Former Fleet (The Place of Dreams) resident actually. I live in London now.
  14. Good news for those who've not recieved their tickets yet. I called the ticket office and they said if it hasn't turned up by tomorrow morning, then call up and they will get Arsenal to re-print them and they can get picked up at the ground pre-match. They didn't turn up today for me so I'm assuming that's what I'll have to do.
  15. Yup, same for me. I really hope they arrive tomorrow, because if not I won't be able to get the others. I live in Wimbledon, so can't exactly pick up some re-printed tickets at St Mary's on Tuesday. I'm getting very worried.
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