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Everything posted by Twiggy

  1. Is Bertrand not back from suspension yet? Thought it was only 2 games banned... Tbh I have no idea and I'm just assuming so I'm probably wrong.
  2. These games are getting far to tense... Getting twitchy keep refreshing the update stream on the Beeb. Not helping productivity for essay!
  3. For throwing a tangerine at the opposition fans... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2946128/Sheffield-Wednesday-fan-banned-attending-matches-three-years-throwing-tangerine-Fulham-supporters.html Bit excessive really...
  4. As a current student... This I feel is my forte. 1. International drinking rules: - Can only drink with your left hand - Cannot say the word "mine" -No pointing - No names 2. Ring of Fire (Need deck of cards) Ace - Waterfall - keep drinking til the person on your left stops 2 - you - choose someone to drink 3 - me - you drink 4 - wh0res - all the women drink 5 - thumbmaster - put your thumb on the table at any given time, last person to follow suit drinks 6 - d1cks - all the guys drink 7 - heaven - point upwards. last person to do so drinks 8 - mate - choose someone to drink every time you do 9 - rhyme - go round the circle rhyming, first person to mess up or take too long drinks 10 - catergories - e.g. car brands - go round the circle naming something within the category first person to mess up drinks Jack - Rule - make a rule that lasts the entire game e.g. no hands on table break it drink Queen - Never have I ever (or question master) - Never have i ever... could be interesting.. Question master is if you ask a question and someone answers that person has to drink King - Pour some of your drink in the middle, last king drawn has to down the dirty pint Categories: First person starting says how many things they can name in a certain category. e.g. i can name 10 football teams. If the next person can name more then they say how many they think they can name. If they think the person before is lying, they say claim and the person has to start naming. If they fail they have to drink the number of fingers that they didn't manage to get. They succeed the person who claimed them has to down their drink. Questions: Two people sit back to back in chairs, and people begin shouting out questions to them e.g. whose tallest. If the players think that they are the tallest then they drink. However if both players drink its another 2 fingers, if no one drinks its 3 fingers. Risky again. Paranoia: Sit in a circle. Someone turns to the person next to them and whispers a question. The person who was whispered the question then points to the person around the circle that they think best suits it. If the person wants to know what the question was they have to drink. Beer for Life: Every player has to have a bit of paper stuck on the side of their glass, if its removed without them noticing they have to down the drink. There are many many more but I need to continue revising...
  5. I present the saviour of teenagers everywhere. This site has provided me gifts for birthdays and Christmases for the last 2 years for all family members and girlfriends. http://www.groupon.co.uk Lots of ideas and all cheap as chips. You get an e-card thing or ticket for the day trips or classes which you can print out and put in a fancy box for under the tree. Hope it helps!
  6. Personally I think there should be an enforced driving test every 5 years or so for people. Would make sure that people are sticking to the practices they should do. And if the driver is elderly, a yearly test with a Doctors note saying that they are competent to drive. Bad drivers are worse than over the limit IMHO.
  7. Complete shambles of a company. I used to get it everyday from Fleet to Basingstoke for college and work. They raised the prices again so it cost me best part of £7 to get a return to Basingstoke, a 20minute journey! Always late, and always overcrowded first thing in the morning. Never any information if they are delayed or cancelled. However the quality of the trains are fairly decent, always clean and a fair amount of space.
  8. As a student, I raided the amazon Black Friday sale... First stop was Ink cartridges which were at the time cheap as chips. Next as my housemates are determined to have a "family" christmas thing, i got their presents, as i strongly dislike them, getting them for 75% off was a bonus! So no complaints from me this year!
  9. Interestingly the fans seem to be happy about it. They agree that Southampton would be a great fit for the kid (seems weird calling a footballer a kid - must be getting older), and frankly he seems good. Especially if he's worked with Reed before. Would be quite happy to sign him in Jan!
  10. Depending on age and financial security (no offence intended on either) I'd suggest an apprenticeship. Larger companies will take on a few apprentices every year and pay a decent living wage, half the time will pay for you to do a degree too while working for their company. Its what's suggested by colleges if you do not want to go to uni. My friend currently works for Rolls Royce, and another works for Quentic Q in Farnborough.
  11. The only way I'd be happy if we let Cork leave on a free, is if we signed Claise (or however you spell it).
  12. Watching Leicesters midfield try and dispossess Wanyama is just cruel...
  13. I'd sign him if only to p1ss off the Liverpool faithful who still love him.
  14. Angel Di Maria provided the assist for Marouane Fellaini - he has now provided 18 assists in league matches in 2014, which is four more than any other player from all of France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and England's top leagues (Messi and Tadic both have 14). That's just popped up on the BBC. Tadic has the same number of assists as Messi...
  15. Why not something like the Mario Kart Wii intro: the traditional mario tune but with Graziaanoo Pelle! at the end?
  16. I think the issue is, is that is could happen. Players could get infected and they could bring it back to other countries. All it would take is for one chef, or one waiter to catch it and it could be passed into food or water. Or one fan determine to meet his idol passing it over (dont ask the logistics its an extreme point). But the fact is, as unlikely as it is to happen, it still could. And prevention is a damn sight easier and safer than curing and stopping the spread after.
  17. Didn't they used to do it where the pundit (Hansen?) used to pick his favourite goal of the month and anyone who selected it as well won tickets to a home game? Seem to recall that possibly happening... Would reduce the bias as people wanting to win would choose the genuine best goal for a chance to win.
  18. Voted twice earlier!
  19. --------------------Niemi------------------ Dodd-----Fonte---Svennson----Le Saux ------------Marsden------Delap------- -------------------Le Tiss----------------- Fernandes---------------------------------Pahars ------------------Beattie--------------- Bench: Jones, Tessem, Clyne, Schniederlin, Ormerod, Oakley
  20. Isgrove and Cropper have a chance to be called up for Wales and USA respectively, surely? Unless Isgrove is still ill...
  21. How on earth Townsend gets selected each time considering he hasn't played for Spurs since March odd. Don't understand the logic in picking him over Dyer or Routledge tbh... Happy for Clyne though - It's about time!
  22. The difference is with rugby is that the players are infact like for like replacements - as mentioned about. And they have to occur, if briefly, to allow the game to continue and to stop endangering others. As if, for example, a forward as injured and had to go off briefly for stitches - but he was heavily involved in the lifting in the line out say - they would have to bring in a player who is also trained - to avoid potentially dangerous injury to players. I saw it once watching London Irish - where a player went off in the blood replacement - and his replacement was sin binned for 10 minutes. Now this player in question was the bloke at the back of the line out - who holds up the player being lifted at the lower back. As he was off someone who wasnt used to having that responsibility took over - the bloke lifted fell over backwards and damaged his back. But I digress - I don't think it would be a good idea in football. Unless - as suggested - its a like for like or you have a prenamed substitute for the player submitted before with the team sheet.
  23. Twiggy


    Despite me working there I'm unbiased I swear - but Next is a decent place for suits - 3 levels of price the cheapest being 65£ and the most expensive nearing 200£. Good quality and can mix and match trouser and jacket sizes. They have a long and tall range in both jackets and trousers, and are able to tailor or change them at request. Can order them in as well... Good quality as well.
  24. Twiggy


    To give him his due - everyone says he goes down easy - and he may granted. But he seems to be running at full pelt most of the time, a slight knock is going to put him off balance and send him down. Fair enough sometimes he can stay up but to avoid hurting self it is easier to go down. A lot of the time he just got up again yesterday. Just my opinion though...
  25. Barry won't last 90 minutes. They are frustrating Gerrard too, he might snap!
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