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Everything posted by Twiggy

  1. Apparently taken a 50% wage cut from his £160k (?) pw to gain another contract at Chelsea.
  2. Brett Ormerod. But mainly because he earned 7 year old me a butt tonne of money with that goal at Villa park leading up to the FA Cup... Gotta love sweepstakes when you have absolutely no idea whats happening..
  3. The Hook Tandoori near the station is the only redeeming factor of Hook
  4. BBC have the goal awarded to SRL.
  5. Hey that weed from Eastdrop is relatively decent dont diss... hah But realistically i grew up in Fleet, but went to college in Bstoke, Farnborough Airport is entirely useless. All they seem to do is destroy the woods around Fleet. Spoiling the badass cycling that is available around Fleet. Mind you... Fleet is s**t too...
  6. Loving the list of "attractions" they must of been getting desperate.
  7. There are 3 Subways near me, all of them sell Halal meat as an option. It's kept separately and if you request it the server will make it for you, using seperate boards and gloves etc. The overall ban on it, personally i think is ridiculous. It's preventing people from eating their chosen dietary requirements. If restaurants stopped serving vegetarian dishes people would complain. Bit of a touchy one imo.
  8. Twiggy

    Bob Hoskins

    Who Framed Roger Rabbit is hands down one of my favourite movies of all time. My Dad and Grandad introduced it to me when i was about 4... Genuinely sad to hear about his death. RIP to a legend.
  9. As it is now May the 1st in the UK. I was wondering if anyone took part in any form of celebrations? I've just moved to Oxford for university, and I am amazed at the reaction to Mayday here. The city centre is closed for the day, the pubs are giving free breakfasts. And currently there are various boat parties followed by pub crawls happening. (And yet I'm stuck inside on here due to stupid exam tomorrow). Tomorrow there are loads of events happening in the centre of the town, apparently a parade? I moved from northern hampshire to here, but never really gave a damn about Mayday before. Is this a normal tradition anywhere else? Or another Oxford specific thing.
  10. Delight! (take that how you will)
  11. All we need now is Baines to score an absolute belter of an own goal, followed by a cracker from Luke
  12. Big bowl of pasta the night before. That was what we were told to eat before a race. During the race in the camelbacks or whatever you are drinking from - flat Coca-Cola (or pepsi depending on your favourite) mixed with water. Around a 50/50 split leaning more towards water. Much better and cheaper than the traditional sports drinks. After the race was always tomato soup with a roll. With jelly babies (also good for eating during the race). This is for long distance canoe racing at a relatively high level, but usually transferable.
  13. More excited about the rumoured Oasis reunion...
  14. Clues in the name I think... "daft"
  15. Twiggy


    Saw that as well - With graphite powder and washing up liquid if my memory serves me correctly.
  16. 10/10 his best video so far. Best view of the situation ever.
  17. Checking out Glasto bands. Quite like this. Kodaline's album was one of my favourite albums released last year, absolutely fantastic IMO.
  18. Glasgow. Then I'd resume my normal tactic of lurking / 3 posts and everyone will have peace and quiet.
  19. Slightly out of context as not this country: But a 8/9 month year old boy, is currently on trial in Pakistan for a murder charge... Yep, 9 month child on a murder charge. There's a report somewhere but its 4 am and I'm meant to be packing...
  20. "Where do you want to go for dinner?" "I dont mind" I will one day open a restaurant called I don't mind. Make a killing.
  21. Well university isn't a crime filled hellscape either. And most people here smoke regularly
  22. I'd take Sketelenburg or however you spell that from Fulham on the keepers front. (igsey) cannot for the life of me work out how to reply to said comment as its ma birthday and i have been out for a long ass time! but yah! Stekelenburg would be laaaaaaaaaavely! Mwah! xxx
  23. Didn't see JRods injury, but it sounds like he landed awkwardly and twisted his knee? Potentially dislodge his kneecap - hurts like a motherfcker and would be unable to walk on it if it happened - fortunately no long term issue with physio and only a couple of weeks out. (Fingers crossed its not anything worse - not that I'd inflict that on anyone)
  24. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/manchester-united-transfers-southamptons-chelsea-3300450 Erm? Any ideas if this is true? Or more media waffle? £27million is a fairly large and relatively believable figure. (Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere... shhh)
  25. Oh Rickie you're so fine...
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