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Everything posted by 9-3

  1. Good of you Noodles well done mate. We are all the Saints!
  2. Brilliant
  3. Not too sure on all the names to faces? From left to right, Roger Fry Roy Beazley Brian O'Neil? Hugh Fisher (green jumper) Harry Penk (stick)?? Gerry Gurr Red jumper don't know Denis Hollywood Tommy Hare? Jim Steele Peter Rodrigues Norman Dean Cliff Huxford Michael Earles Not sure of guy in wheelchair?
  4. 9-3

    Artur Boruc

    Top man after the watergates (bottles) incident.
  5. Missing that black ball in the last frame
  6. 9-3

    Top Four

    Is it really possible after seeing some of the results today?
  7. Count me in Duncan with name at book. I will pick up from you. From Horton Heath Saint, now 9-3
  8. Hope they locked all the doors, he might sneak back in the dead of night!
  9. Keep your chin up!
  10. Saint and Greavsie! 'Funny old game'.
  11. 9-3

    The Boruc Save

    Top man!!!
  12. Clyne England right back. Shaw England left back. Fact
  13. 9-3

    The Boruc Save

    Better than Banks against Brazil 1970? Might open a bottle of water tonight!
  14. 9-3


    Why are we fighting each other? Too much beer?
  15. Boruc £18000 Clynne £22000 Fonte £20000 Shaw £18000 Spider £25000 Wanyama £55000 JWP £19000 SRL £35000 Oss £65000 Gastron £50000 Yosh £32000 Jay £30000 Guly £20000 Tand Lee £20000 Your thoughts?
  16. Boruc £18000 Clynne £22000 Fonte £20000 Shaw £18000 Spider £25000 Wanyama £55000 JWP £19000 SRL £35000 Oss £65000 Gastron £50000 Yosh £32000 Jay £30000 Guly £20000 Tand Lee £20000 Your thoughts?
  17. MLT lived almost opposite me in Burnetts Lane Richard Hall lived in next close. David Armstrong and Cliff Huxford in Fair Oak Jimmy Melia Colden Common Where's you nearest Saints neighbour?
  18. Yellow silk scarf, programme, ticket stub, above all..great memories!
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