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Solid Saint

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Everything posted by Solid Saint

  1. Now you are just being unkind, take that back. Lies, all lies !
  2. Clear, concise & accurate.
  3. I feel the same way, its like there just is no end product with him or very little, at least.
  4. They should count themselves fortunate and not even look for him. Turd.
  5. They are the press, they dont know.
  6. http://www.sportsdirectnews.com/premier-league-news/35721-southampton-set-16m-ramirez-asking-price.php#.UoPNj-WnzFo Could be the usual arse gravy from the media but you never know.
  7. They will also delight in watching us fall at the last hurdle should that end up being the case. Pinch of salt for the vast majority of these regurgitating wordsmiths.
  8. Oh Glenn, Glenn, Glenn. You utterly reprehensible mong. He disgusts me.
  9. No one in their right mind would have said we would be in this position, at this point in the season either. I wouldn't put my neck on the block and say we can win it but I will say we've got a great chance of being top 6 and an outside chance of top 4. COYR!
  10. Same as, all the old anxiety returned for me when they scored. However the more I see of this Saints team the more they do to dispel my worries! Long may it continue.
  11. How true. It seems some Saints fans are damaged goods after so many years of disappointment. They'll come round eventually, once they've finished calling everyone under the sun 'happy clappers'
  12. Deservedly so too. Weird.
  13. We do !
  14. Agreed. Hes been immense and was just a tad to casual today. I still think hes been great for us. I think we missed him at points after he was subbed.
  15. Congrats to MP, well deserved!
  16. Expect massive rejections.
  17. Gutted about missing out on the league cup. If we had won that I'm sure either Messi or Ronaldo would have realized just how much they are missing out on and joined up, quick smart. Missed opportunity to sign the two best players on the planet imho.
  18. So did I, I've seen the word used to describe playmaker types i.e. David Ginola etc but never a holding player. "eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, and thievishness" Sums Morgan up pretty nicely tbh.
  19. Ha, this surprised me to but then.... mer·cu·ri·al (mr-kyr-l) adj. 1. often Mercurial a. Roman Mythology Of or relating to the god Mercury. b. Astronomy Of or relating to the planet Mercury. 2. Having the characteristics of eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, and thievishness attributed to the god Mercury. 3. Containing or caused by the action of the element mercury. 4. Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile: a mercurial nature. We live and learn!
  20. The whole thing was doomed to failure the minute it was suggested that a portion of our fan base were not only arrogant but embarrassing as well. I know some people can be over the top but I love all Saints fans regardless!
  21. Its your thread, take your own advice.
  22. Should this troll thread not be closed?
  23. Amen to that.
  24. Wind = MOM ?
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