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Suffolk Saint

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Everything posted by Suffolk Saint

  1. I should have said avoid parking at Cardinal park rather than the avoid the pub!
  2. I normally park in the Spiral car park next to the Wolsey theatre but I think it is closed in the evening. There's a large car park behind Crown Pools which is within walking distance. The Punch & Judy is on Cardinal park and can get quite full with cinema traffic etc. so would avoid. There's lots of parking around the town centre. Could also park at the station and walk from there.
  3. My advice is make sure you get the toilets over with early. My children had an annoying habit of wanting to go to loo 2 minutes before the kick-off!
  4. With the Keystone Kops of Jos, Gazza and Fox did anyone really expect anything other than this outcome?
  5. Totally agree with your comment re the Cup Final. Couldn't believe how desperate they were to get back in their cars and drive home!!
  6. Happy memories - Half time entertainment, Solent Jazz band, Brass band dressed as Woodywood Pecker, was there really a game when Roy Kinear and Chris Akabusi paraded on the pitch - maybe this was just a strange dream. Car parking at the cricket ground, voucher matches, half time score board at the Archers Road end. Tim Flowers running the length of the pitch to Archers End to acknowledge the fans. Grobbelar is innocent.
  7. Agree with other posts MotD made it look like we just hung on. Really looking forward to seeing the hi lights when I got back but so disappointed our dominance in midfield, tackling and passing was missed.We made Utd look second rate but you wouldn't have thought so from the MotD coverage.
  8. I had tickets in the opposite corner to the saints fans. After our goal all you could here was OWTS. The fans sounded great and the MU guys I was with were full of praise. Pity the MotD highlights suggested we hardly touched the ball. This was a great team performance. Do have my concerns about Osvaldo but given time I'm sure he'll start knocking them in for us.
  9. I had tickets in the Man Utd end. Saints fans made slot of noise and team were fantastic. United fans around me all said that Saints deserved to get something from the game. We had so much possession and our passing and tackling was superb. The trip home will fly by!
  10. If he played well tonight he'd get even more stick this Saturday. It's a shame but probably best for us.
  11. Great team performance, going to feel very smug all week!!
  12. Terry Hurlock !!!, maybe too popular to be considered but still one of my favourite players.
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