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  1. Is there even a plane around that can fly that far that quickly? Pie in the sky stuff.
  2. Yawn. Been following this for a while but you guys worry too much. Chill out for the summer is what I say. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  3. What a miserable thread. At the current rate of 4 points every 3 games we would finish the 38 games with 50/51 points, which would put us in 8th place according to last season's standings. Would we not all accept that as pretty good progress?
  4. A bigger capacity would just mean more wallies leaving early to avoid the full-time congestion and missing the last minute equaliser/winner. I'm all for that extra giggle so let's build. My first post on here btw. Been a lurker for a little while and finally plucked up the courage to dive in.
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