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Everything posted by Guy

  1. Whatever the ticketing policy/hierarchy, isn't it great that we're now back to a position where getting match tickets is actually a problem. Being able to stroll upto St Marys at 1400 on a Saturday and pickup a ticket just seemed to take some of the excitement of the build-up away.
  2. Perhaps the club could set up a Programme Subscription scheme, then people who would like all the home and/or away programmes for a season, get a book of vouchers and can collect copies from a reserved pile in the Megastore before the game (or at a later date).
  3. I suspect that the club is so far in the mire that they aren't even bothering to try and sell anyone and make a small dent in the debts. It's an all or nothing wait for a saviour.
  4. Guy

    2689% apr

    I think Joensuu may need a new calculator.
  5. Set the Sky+ for this last night and watched it over breakfast. When I was living back in Weymouth about 4 years back, there was an ITV South West football show in a similar style (filmed in various pubs I seem to recall) which only had to focus on the 3 'big' clubs in the region (Plymouth, Torquay, Exeter) so could spend a decent amount of time on each one. Having one 30min BBC show for 3 (maybe 4?) tv regions is never going to be able to focus on more than one club each week, or provide any more coverage than the Saturday night Football League Show. A bit of a waste really.
  6. Indeed. The PL won't implement any major sanctions on Pompey until their relegation is a certainty and there's no chance of them embarrassing the PL Brand next season.
  7. I suspect The Echo will have been issued pictures and details with came with an embargo date that they broke.
  8. Using the Watford Gap as the traditional North-South divide puts Northampton into the southern region.
  9. That's what they did for the Sentinel ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raytheon_Sentinel ) what's more I think they even leased the base aircraft rather than buy them.
  10. Guy


    There was free fizzy pop if you went for 12" of double meat today.
  11. My mate's driving in from the north and parking at Redbridge tube station which is at the end of the M11 and 2 stops from Leyton on the central line.
  12. Guy


    Not a thread about that sort off of Page Three, then? Disappointing.
  13. I have actually seen the picture in question, when I nipped into the National Portrait Gallery (as it is free) to waste a couple of hours when in London during the summer. It is pretty much life size and quite striking due to the garishness of JPFCW's appearance. I have one rule when looking at works of art, "would I hang it on my own wall", the original test fails, but the photoshopped effort above might pass. Actually, the "Saints Westwood" picture actually raises many more poncy art questions than the original (displaying a character in the uniform of his enemy), so is perhaps the greater work. I should not start drinking so early in the evening.
  14. I'm looking forward to it. Whenever I've seen anyone from the BNP interviewed they always start well but eventually can't help themselves and let slip their true colours, by talking about abhorrent ideas like "look tests" and socialism. I was hoping that the final guest panellist would be some raging libertarian who would mention that unlimited immigration is the way forward and then we could watch Griffin's head explode.
  15. Indeed. I suspect no-one other than fans of the teams featured watches, I doubt that very many watch the whole show. Those watching live will switch off after their team has been shown and those of us who record it will fast forward until our team's game comes up and maybe will watch the Mark Clemett (sp?) documentary slot.
  16. My tickets have arrived and they definitely say "Unreserved Seating" on them.
  17. Any idea of what time the 'day' starts/finishes (ie. how much eating/drinking time before and after the game is there) ?
  18. Is Dot Cotton still in it?
  19. Guy

    JPT Draw

    Aldershot away, then I can be in walking distance of the game for a change.
  20. On the subject of Megastrore Tat, is anyone else offended by the selling of a Saints branded dartboard, with the club crest across the face of the target? In my youth, you put pictures of people you disliked on the dartboard and aimed for them. Surely our shop should be selling Pompey dartboards so we can defile their logo.
  21. Jesting aside, don't you get a refund if your player isn't playing (or on the bench)?
  22. Don't they do the draw on SoccerAM? So, either this Saturday or next, I would have thought.
  23. Now Then. Me and a couple of Mates will be going to the Brentford game next week. We'd usually sit in the Chapel Stand. As you know, this has now been allocated as the Family Stand with slightly cheaper tickets. There's no mention on the OS about restrictions, so I assume there's no problem in buying adult tickets without any children. Did any regular Chapellers go to the Millwall match, were there any noticeable changes ie. awash with overactive kids or something stupid like stop selling beer?
  24. Is it going to be on the radio anywhere? Can't find anything on the R5 or Solent listings.
  25. The other problem with a "Weekend Only" ST would be if games get re-organised from a weekday to a weekend (or vice versa), you'd have to either let people in "free" (or at least unbudgeted when the price was determined) or the ticket holders will be disappointed as they are getting less games than they expect (and paid for). I think there would be a market for something like a "10 games for the price of 8" book of vouchers which would encourage people like myself who would expect to attend between 6 and 10 home games in a season to visit more often, and might encourage people to upgrade to a season ticket the following season. You'd have to 'buy' individual tickets for a specific game with your vouchers when they went on sale so there'd be little overhead for the ticket office to run the scheme, you probably could get away without even printing physical vouchers, just had a receipt printed saying "5 games remaining" everytime you make a purchase, you could even spend the 'vouchers' on multiple tickets for the same game.
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