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Everything posted by ByTheGolacs

  1. :-) that's fair enough: Guilty: 10 years of occasional browsing of this site and only 50-odd posts - really should know better - best slink off........
  2. I saw someone on here posting this previously, but....to the tune of Inspiral Carpets ' This is what it feels to be lonely'......???????????// This is what it feels to be Pompey This is what it feels to be poor.... You got Kenny Jacket... But we go Pelligrinoooooooo....
  3. I love reading this forum, because I love all things Saints, and I know and value all posters who take the time to go to great lengths to explain their personal views and then expand on them frequently (and sometimes contradict themselves in the process). Most fans I know amongst both friends and family, season ticket holders and occasional match go-ers would agree with the above 100%
  4. Does this almost put it to bed? http://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/10280570/koeman-im-staying-at-southampton ?
  5. I know he divides opinion on here, but I'm warming to our Ralph. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/apr/14/southampton-ronald-koeman-barcelona
  6. Ancelotti got to be right up there surely - three league titles and two european cups, plus half a dozen other domestic and euro/super cups
  7. ByTheGolacs


    ....or....maybe..... he genuinely has no strong preference one way or the other and has had the medical in advance of negotiations being completed by one party or the other ;-) saves time later if it should drag on and on. I think I might do that in his position - 'here's what I want salary-wise - now f&ck off and sort it out between yourselves and come back and let me know when I have an actual decision to make'
  8. ByTheGolacs


    http://www.shoot.co.uk/category/news/toby-alderweirelds-dad-denies-tottenham-deal-is-close/ Well it 'appears' his Dad knows nothing about any deal being close? :-s
  9. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/13372688.Southampton_s_chief_financial_officer_leaves_club/?ref=rss
  10. You should all count your self lucky really. It was only when I read it back before posting that I realised it originally said he'd been 'b#ggered. So I went with 'robbed' despite, literally, seconds of agonising as whether my grammer was technically correct enough for our illustrious posters :-)
  11. http://hereisthecity.com/en-gb/2014/11/25/burglars-take-advantage-of-aston-villa-game-to-rob-southampton-s/ Bummer! Hope his concentration is not affected too much. Despite being a very wealthy young man it must still be a shock to the system......
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPw0XRAuzu0 I don't want to stop the thread in it's tracks and many of you will no doubt have seen this already, but having been blessed enough to see him in the flesh as a teenage Saints fan....Wow..just wow....
  13. You really are a pri*k. So sad!
  14. Then your Grandson will be playing against my lad - hope they both enjoy it. One thing that I really like is that the coaches genuinely do not give a monkeys about the result. They are looking purely at how well the boys execute the things they have been taught, the patterns of play, their bravery in terms of taking risks and creating opportunities - no-one gets told off for making a mistake as long as the intentions were good.
  15. ..........and it's a win http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25347349
  16. Nice piece of work. Anyone know anthing about the author? Well balanced, extremists (on both sides) take note please :-) http://prosoccertalk.nbcsports.com/2013/10/18/premier-league-supporters-the-dramatic-rise-of-southampton-fc-and-their-fans/related/
  17. I agree again with Colin and Adrian, BUT IF it is true, do we owe Rickie the chance to play/start 1st team football given it's his only chance of playing in a World Cup or does the need of the club come before doing the right thing by a club legend? Just wondering?
  18. I agree, I guess the deciding factor may be whether or not MP is going to play him though. World Cup year and all that, would Rickie want to be a bit-part, impact sub this year and would we (if MP is thinking along these lines) feel that we owed it to SRL to allow him to go somewhere where he is going to get game time in what is the most important year of his career? To let him go in those circumstance would (in my opinion) be the right thing to do morally.
  19. http://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/2892/transfer-zone/2013/09/26/4288616/- Who are these people and how the hell would they know something that larger and better connected media outlets don't? Personally (Big If) if it should turn out to be true I'm not sure it would be the end of the world.
  20. ... but Mr Nice, they are not saying we will, they are saying that we are aiming for that, that we could do it, that we (they personally) believe that they can. What is wrong with that. I expect myself and my staff to be confident and ambitious. We, thank god however, don't have microphones thrust in our faces asking us leading questions all the time. Remember most of these guys are football 'clever', but real world 'limited', education takes a far distant 2nd place to football, they don't all have rapier-like minds. I have no problem at all with someone aiming, hoping (and yes), even expecting to win every game. In fact it's the least I expect from my team. There is no issue here!!!!!
  21. .... and then I go and spoil it all with a typo :-(
  22. Are we likely to get into the Champions League this season? - probably not no. Are we likely to finish off better than last season? - I bloody hope so given the money we have spent. Do I want to spend my life aiming for nothing, having no ambition and hiding my proverbial light under a bushel? do I buggery. Am I a 'happy-clappy' or whatever? Possibly. Frankly who gives a Sh*t. We (I hope) all support Saints, we all approach things in different ways, some are deluded one-way, some are deluded the other. The offensive and those who wind up people on purpose should sod-off because they add nothing to the debate. (..and deliberately being contrary is not the same as being intelligent, so do yourselves a favour and give it rest because you look like a nob!) Enjoy your football, give your opinion, be respectively of other peoples genuinely held views on things or............................? or nothing I guess :-( Life's too short for half the nonsense on here.
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