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  1. Does anyone else feel like Matty is potential captain material at the moment? I feel like during the recent adversity you get a sense of the players true characters and strengths. This guy, - Remains one of our best players with a high ceiling - Keeps himself fit, is always involved and avalaible for selection - Hasn’t shyed away when things have got tough - Level headed, doesn’t let his emotions get the better of him (a la Stephen’s) I just feel like if I was a manager and I had to pick one player at the moment that I could trust to remain professional and represent the team it’d be this guy. It’s hard to believe he’s only 20, is it only me that thinks he comes across more mature than most of our more senior players?
  2. I miss the Cortese days where we’d have the balls to sack Adkins (which was met with anger at the time) but ended up representing strong leadership which pushed the club forward with a well thought out replacement. I feel like he needs to go but we’re in a different place now…
  3. Have to say the pink kit looks so MUCH better with white shorts as is being worn in the friendly
  4. Ross Stewart looks ecstatic
  5. I think like another poster said… it would benefit from having a different colour pair of shorts (white? Or that lighter shade of pink) I don’t mind a wacky 3rd shirt but keeping it just to the shirt, breaks up the kit and stops it looking like an awkward pair of PJs or goalkeeper kit!
  6. Blobby Blobby Blobby!
  7. I’m being stupid but how are you watching it within the saints app? all I can see on ‘Live match’ are the score/stats, no video feed?
  8. My expectations were low already, but that’s genuinely terrible…
  9. https://store.southamptonfc.com/promotion/replica-kit/third-kit/3473_sfc-x-dodici-otto-play-off-final-ltd-edition-shirt.html?utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Dodici-Otto-Play-Off-Final-shirt&utm_term=launch&utm_content=link&fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabRY2BX9B538sjpGFWmVaf09TtWsQkcb9YBWlSMcZvjGHXsABNxNbXIMe4_aem_DauLVxV-FDIYvImK-m-jhg ‘cool’ or ‘a little cringe’ ? I actually quite like it as a keepsake (not to wear!!) But very expensive!
  10. As an aside that Sunderland home kit looks really nice. The white shoulders (and kit as a whole) remind me of our last championship promotion kit.
  11. Silly question but is there any confirmation it’s purchasable in the stadium store yet? I want to dip down there today, but don’t want to make the journey if it’s just an online only thing at the moment…
  12. Any update on the away then? If the leaks are true and it’s the tasteful white with teal trim I want to try and grab one before my holiday next weekend!! Might be wishful thinking. Unlike the home which is a bit ‘busy’ to wear casually a nice smart clean white away would look decent with a pair of shorts on the beach! 😜
  13. Although they’ve released that black and yellow ‘loud’ one, I do hope there’s a simple green GK top to wear along side this new home shirt to complete the classic look… Would be missing a trick otherwise surely
  14. I’d completely forgotten about this! Also had the unfortunate side effect of sounding like we were booing/jeering the poor guy when he got the ball 😂
  15. Well, I wasn’t going to go tonight, but I did. …and I saw exactly the game of football I was expecting to see. I only have myself to blame.
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